6/20/2014 - 10:04 AM

Some example about phantomjs

Some example about phantomjs

var page = require('webpage').create();
var system = require('system');

var map_result = {
    "Reference Sequence" : "mouse_mm10(UCSC)",
    "Known SNP/Indel" : "dbSNP138",
    "leftReadsInput" : "36730566",
    "leftReadsMapped" : "35130795 (95.6% of input)",
    "leftReadsOfThese" : "9607 ( 0.0%) have multiple alignments (11204 have >1)",
    "rightReadsInput" : "36730566",
    "rightReadsMapped" : "34139600 (92.9% of input)",
    "rightReadsOfThese" : "9607 ( 0.0%) have multiple alignments (10956 have >1)",
    "totalReadsMap" : "94.3% overall read mapping rate.",
    "alignedPairs" : "33231563",
    "alignedPairsOfThese" : "9607 ( 0.0%) have multiple alignments",
    "alignedPairsOfTheseDiscordant" : "2664795 ( 8.0%) are discordant alignments",
    "alignedPairsMap" : "83.2% concordant pair alignment rate.",

function match_result(result){
    for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
        if (result[i] == "") continue;
        //console.log("d> "+result[i]);
        var ts = result[i].split(" : ");
        if (ts[0] in map_result){
            if (ts[1] == map_result[ts[0]]){
                console.log("Log> Test on "+ts[0]+": \033[32mOK\033[m");
            } else {
                console.log("Log> Test on "+ts[0]+": \033[31mFail\033[m");


    console.log('Log> Open Page .. Success');

        var spec = page.evaluate(function() {
            var tar = $("#ref div");
            return Array.prototype.map.call(tar,function(e){
                return e.textContent.trim();

        var time_list = page.evaluate(function() {
            var tar = $("#time div");
            return Array.prototype.map.call(tar,function(e){
                return e.textContent.trim();

        for (var i = 0; i < time_list.length; i++) {

        var map_summary = page.evaluate(function() {
            var tar = $("#mapsummary span");
            return Array.prototype.map.call(tar,function(e){
                if (e.id == "")
                    return ""
                    return e.id+" : "+e.textContent.trim();

        var links = page.evaluate(function() {
            var l = $("#downloadFiles a");
            return Array.prototype.map.call(l,function(e){
                //return e.getAttribute('href') + " : "+e.text;
                return { href: e.getAttribute('href'), text: e.text};

        for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
            var uri_info = links[i].href.split("/");
            if (uri_info[uri_info.length-1] == links[i].text) {
                console.log("Log> Test on link "+uri_info[uri_info.length-1]+": \033[32mOK\033[m");
            } else {
                console.log("Log> Test on link "+uri_info[uri_info.length-1]+": \033[31mFail\033[m ("+uri_info[uri_info.length-1]+" vs "+links[i].text+")");