1800radiatoranalytics of 1-800 Radiator-SQL Codes
4/13/2017 - 6:33 PM

Pricing Overrides Use for monitoring hard coded pricing (DW and otherwise).

Pricing Overrides

Use for monitoring hard coded pricing (DW and otherwise).

SELECT ip.Whse
	,sw.StockWarehouseCost [Original Cost]
	,ip.Price [Override Price]
	,ISNULL(sw.StockWarehouseOnHand,0) OnHand
FROM product_10..rp_item_price ip
	JOIN product_10.dbo.lu_item it
	  ON ip.Item = it.item
	  ON ip.Item = sw.StockItem
	  AND ip.Whse = sw.Warehouseid
	LEFT JOIN ROH.dbo.inv_CUC_WH inv
	  ON ip.CUC = inv.finalcuc
	  AND ip.Whse = inv.rte_wh
WHERE ip.Whse in  ( 60 )   --- Change Whse Number
	and pricingplan <> 'dw'
	and it.category in (SELECT category from product_10.dbo.CategoryGroup where GroupName In('fuel') )  --- Select a category group here.
ORDER BY ISNULL(inv.REGrk1yr, 3000)