Wordpress image resize dynamically
$img_size = '380x380';
$img = ifoods_getImageBySize( array(
'attach_id' => get_post_thumbnail_id(),
'thumb_size' => $img_size,
'class' => 'vc_single_image-img',
) );
* @param array $params
* @since 4.2
* ifo_filters : ifo_ifoods_getimagesize - to override output of this function
* @return array|bool
function ifoods_getImageBySize( $params = array() ) {
$params = array_merge( array(
'post_id' => null,
'attach_id' => null,
'thumb_size' => 'thumbnail',
'class' => '',
), $params );
if ( ! $params['thumb_size'] ) {
$params['thumb_size'] = 'thumbnail';
if ( ! $params['attach_id'] && ! $params['post_id'] ) {
return false;
$post_id = $params['post_id'];
$attach_id = $post_id ? get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ) : $params['attach_id'];
$thumb_size = $params['thumb_size'];
$thumb_class = ( isset( $params['class'] ) && '' !== $params['class'] ) ? $params['class'] . ' ' : '';
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
$thumbnail = '';
if ( is_string( $thumb_size ) && ( ( ! empty( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $thumb_size ] ) && is_array( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $thumb_size ] ) ) || in_array( $thumb_size, array(
) ) )
) {
$attributes = array( 'class' => $thumb_class . 'attachment-' . $thumb_size );
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image( $attach_id, $thumb_size, false, $attributes );
} elseif ( $attach_id ) {
if ( is_string( $thumb_size ) ) {
preg_match_all( '/\d+/', $thumb_size, $thumb_matches );
if ( isset( $thumb_matches[0] ) ) {
$thumb_size = array();
if ( count( $thumb_matches[0] ) > 1 ) {
$thumb_size[] = $thumb_matches[0][0]; // width
$thumb_size[] = $thumb_matches[0][1]; // height
} elseif ( count( $thumb_matches[0] ) > 0 && count( $thumb_matches[0] ) < 2 ) {
$thumb_size[] = $thumb_matches[0][0]; // width
$thumb_size[] = $thumb_matches[0][0]; // height
} else {
$thumb_size = false;
if ( is_array( $thumb_size ) ) {
// Resize image to custom size
$p_img = ifo_resize( $attach_id, null, $thumb_size[0], $thumb_size[1], true );
$alt = trim( strip_tags( get_post_meta( $attach_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ) ) );
$attachment = get_post( $attach_id );
if ( ! empty( $attachment ) ) {
$title = trim( strip_tags( $attachment->post_title ) );
if ( empty( $alt ) ) {
$alt = trim( strip_tags( $attachment->post_excerpt ) ); // If not, Use the Caption
if ( empty( $alt ) ) {
$alt = $title;
} // Finally, use the title
if ( $p_img ) {
$attributes = ifo_stringify_attributes( array(
'class' => $thumb_class,
'src' => $p_img['url'],
'width' => $p_img['width'],
'height' => $p_img['height'],
'alt' => $alt,
'title' => $title,
) );
$thumbnail = '<img ' . $attributes . ' />';
$p_img_large = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attach_id, 'large' );
return apply_filters( 'ifo_ifoods_getimagesize', array(
'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
'p_img_large' => $p_img_large,
'p_img' => $p_img['url'],
), $attach_id, $params );
* Resize images dynamically using wp built in functions
* Victor Teixeira
* php 5.2+
* Exemplo de uso:
* <?php
* $thumb = get_post_thumbnail_id();
* $image = vt_resize( $thumb, '', 140, 110, true );
* ?>
* <img src="<?php echo $image[url]; ?>" width="<?php echo $image[width]; ?>" height="<?php echo $image[height]; ?>" />
if ( ! function_exists( 'ifo_resize' ) ) {
* @param int $attach_id
* @param string $img_url
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @param bool $crop
* @since 4.2
* @return array
function ifo_resize( $attach_id = null, $img_url = null, $width, $height, $crop = false ) {
// this is an attachment, so we have the ID
$image_src = array();
if ( $attach_id ) {
$image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attach_id, 'full' );
$actual_file_path = get_attached_file( $attach_id );
// this is not an attachment, let's use the image url
} elseif ( $img_url ) {
$file_path = parse_url( $img_url );
$actual_file_path = rtrim( ABSPATH, '/' ) . $file_path['path'];
$orig_size = getimagesize( $actual_file_path );
$image_src[0] = $img_url;
$image_src[1] = $orig_size[0];
$image_src[2] = $orig_size[1];
if ( ! empty( $actual_file_path ) ) {
$file_info = pathinfo( $actual_file_path );
$extension = '.' . $file_info['extension'];
// the image path without the extension
$no_ext_path = $file_info['dirname'] . '/' . $file_info['filename'];
$cropped_img_path = $no_ext_path . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . $extension;
// checking if the file size is larger than the target size
// if it is smaller or the same size, stop right here and return
if ( $image_src[1] > $width || $image_src[2] > $height ) {
// the file is larger, check if the resized version already exists (for $crop = true but will also work for $crop = false if the sizes match)
if ( file_exists( $cropped_img_path ) ) {
$cropped_img_url = str_replace( basename( $image_src[0] ), basename( $cropped_img_path ), $image_src[0] );
$vt_image = array(
'url' => $cropped_img_url,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
return $vt_image;
if ( false == $crop ) {
// calculate the size proportionaly
$proportional_size = wp_constrain_dimensions( $image_src[1], $image_src[2], $width, $height );
$resized_img_path = $no_ext_path . '-' . $proportional_size[0] . 'x' . $proportional_size[1] . $extension;
// checking if the file already exists
if ( file_exists( $resized_img_path ) ) {
$resized_img_url = str_replace( basename( $image_src[0] ), basename( $resized_img_path ), $image_src[0] );
$vt_image = array(
'url' => $resized_img_url,
'width' => $proportional_size[0],
'height' => $proportional_size[1],
return $vt_image;
// no cache files - let's finally resize it
$img_editor = wp_get_image_editor( $actual_file_path );
if ( is_wp_error( $img_editor ) || is_wp_error( $img_editor->resize( $width, $height, $crop ) ) ) {
return array(
'url' => '',
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
$new_img_path = $img_editor->generate_filename();
if ( is_wp_error( $img_editor->save( $new_img_path ) ) ) {
return array(
'url' => '',
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
if ( ! is_string( $new_img_path ) ) {
return array(
'url' => '',
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
$new_img_size = getimagesize( $new_img_path );
$new_img = str_replace( basename( $image_src[0] ), basename( $new_img_path ), $image_src[0] );
// resized output
$vt_image = array(
'url' => $new_img,
'width' => $new_img_size[0],
'height' => $new_img_size[1],
return $vt_image;
// default output - without resizing
$vt_image = array(
'url' => $image_src[0],
'width' => $image_src[1],
'height' => $image_src[2],
return $vt_image;
return false;
* Convert array of named params to string version
* All values will be escaped
* E.g. f(array('name' => 'foo', 'id' => 'bar')) -> 'name="foo" id="bar"'
* @param $attributes
* @return string
function ifo_stringify_attributes( $attributes ) {
$atts = array();
foreach ( $attributes as $name => $value ) {
$atts[] = $name . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"';
return implode( ' ', $atts );