1/28/2015 - 8:07 PM


], function(registerSuite, assert, should, expect, require) {
    var url = 'http://localhost:3000/';
    var dest_url = 'http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in';
    var countdown = 40000;

        name: 'FLOW 1 - /users/sign_in => /overview',

            'NAVIGATE': function() {
                return this.remote

                    .findByCssSelector('#page-sign-in h5').getVisibleText().then(function(text) {
                        assert.strictEqual(text, 'Welcome to Mobile System 7', 'log in welcome message');
            'LOG IN ERROR': function() {

                return this.remote


                    .findByCssSelector('div.alert').getVisibleText().then(function(text) {
                        assert.strictEqual(text, 'Invalid username or password.', 'Invalid username or password.');

            'LOG IN': function() {

                return this.remote


                    .getCurrentUrl().then(function(current_url) {
                        assert.strictEqual(current_url, 'http://localhost:3000/overview', 'urls should match');

            'INSPECT MODAL': function() {

                return this.remote

                    // launch the modal

                    // inspect the modal header
                    .findByCssSelector('div.modal-header h3').getVisibleText().then(function(text) {
                        assert.strictEqual(text, 'You Launched a Modal!', 'Modal should launch with the correct header');    

            'INSPECT QUICKVIEW': function() {

                return this.remote

                    // launch the modal

                    // trigger a quickview

                    // inspect the quickview
                    .findById('quickview-popup').getAttribute('class').then(function(text) {
                        assert.strictEqual(text, 'popup condensed-table', 'element class should match');

            'CLICK TAB': function() {

                return this.remote

                    // find the tab

                    .getCurrentUrl().then(function(current_url) {
                        assert.strictEqual(current_url, 'http://localhost:3000/overview/analytics', 'urls should match');

