1/23/2013 - 2:20 AM

Functional Issues

Theme issues:


  • time field appears to be getting cut off on certificate
  • in IE9 at least if you try to enter an international address it will throw a validation warning asking for state, even though it is hidden when international is chose

Known issues:

  • sometimes when enrolling in bundle with external course, the page takes >2 min to load or does not load, require refresh
  • do NOT delete items in the spree interface, once they are created through scidea, they cannot be regenerated
  • nothing stops user from purchasing the same course more then once (they will NOT see renrollment through the UI)

Questions to be answered:

  • Email correspondence through the flow, how does it work, what are the values, how is it configured?
  • does the HitGlobal passthrough work as it is supposed to?

Test possibilies for anyone with bandwith:

  • I have gone through various scos and claimed credit, and tested a bit in 3 major browser types, but have not been through the entire course since before a large amount of code has changed.


  • we ought to build into the spree admin an option to automatically capture funds as part of payment processes for any given site? (config.auto_capture = true @ config/initializers/spree.rb)
  • courses_and_exercises Links to the course detail page for external courses allows user to access course link (this is prevented via setting/inaccessable course table for internal course offerings)
  • /store/checkout/address there is no link back to the cart (the logo at the top links back to /store, but we are using /courses_and_exercises as our store, so nothing appears there)
  • Released date has 'o' character before it:
  • Tooltip 'translation missing' on 'Continue Shopping' link:
  • @ /store/checkout/address -- JS validation is not centered:
  • Admin has no navigation out of the spree admin interface back to scidea:
  • product managers and ts have access to grant any user spree admin rights? should this be allowed?
  • admins with access to enrollments have access to view all packages available for ecommerce, should it be freely open?
  • state with no sellable enrollment packages; available courses display but cannot be functionally purchased
  • @ /store/checkout/confirm Edit payment information link routes to address information
  • @ /enrollment_invitations/shop: is this supposed to be an open url in production or just in development, all users have access to it?