9/13/2016 - 9:04 AM

Script to check if a given host is online or not

Script to check if a given host is online or not

Author: Vikas Yadav

Script to check if a given host is online or not
This will not work if the given host is blocking ping requests.
import os
import re
import time

# Takes IP of the target as an argument 
# Returns true if the given IP is online
# False otherwise.
def online(IP):
	temp = os.popen("ping -c 1 -W 5 %s" %(IP)).read()
	print temp
	result ="Unreachable", temp)
	if result:
		return False
		return True

while 1:
	IP = "Enter IP Here"
	if online(IP):
		os.system('notify-send "Target is online" --urgency=critical')