3/5/2013 - 6:42 PM

Raven.js configuration for logging JavaScript exceptions to Sentry (https://getsentry.com/). Without the added ignore options, you'll quickl

Raven.js configuration for logging JavaScript exceptions to Sentry (https://getsentry.com/). Without the added ignore options, you'll quickly find yourself swamped with unactionable exceptions due to shoddy browser plugins and 3rd party script errors.

<!-- Raven.js Config -->
<script src="{{ JS_PATH }}/lib/raven.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Ignore list based off: https://gist.github.com/1878283
var ravenOptions = {
  // Will cause a deprecation warning, but the demise of `ignoreErrors` is still under discussion.
  // See: https://github.com/getsentry/raven-js/issues/73
  ignoreErrors: [
    // Random plugins/extensions
    // See: http://blog.errorception.com/2012/03/tale-of-unfindable-js-error.html
    'Can\'t find variable: ZiteReader',
    'jigsaw is not defined',
    'ComboSearch is not defined',
    // Facebook borked
    // ISP "optimizing" proxy - `Cache-Control: no-transform` seems to reduce this. (thanks @acdha)
    // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4113268/how-to-stop-javascript-injection-from-vodafone-proxy
    // See http://toolbar.conduit.com/Developer/HtmlAndGadget/Methods/JSInjection.aspx
    // Generic error code from errors outside the security sandbox
    // You can delete this if using raven.js > 1.0, which ignores these automatically.
    'Script error.'
  ignoreUrls: [
    // Facebook flakiness
    // Facebook blocked
    // Woopra flakiness
    // Chrome extensions
    // Other plugins
    /127\.0\.0\.1:4001\/isrunning/i,  // Cacaoweb
// Configure Raven and install default handler to capture uncaught exceptions
Raven.config('{{ SENTRY_DSN }}', ravenOptions).install();