8/10/2017 - 11:58 AM

Removes the delay for opening sub-menus on generatepress. This goes into the wp_head-Hook in Generate Press Hooks

Removes the delay for opening sub-menus on generatepress. This goes into the wp_head-Hook in Generate Press Hooks

    jQuery( window ).load( function() {
        jQuery( '.sf-menu .menu-item-has-children' ).GenerateDropdownMenu.destroy();
        jQuery( '.sf-menu .menu-item-has-children' ).GenerateDropdownMenu({
                transition_speed: 0,
		open_delay: 0,
		close_delay: 0
Plugin Name: Boomerang Custom Shape for Beaver Builder
Description: Adds a boomerang shape to the list of custom shapes in Beaver Builder
Author: <insert name of plugin author here>
Version: 1.0

function bb_register_custom_shapes() {

        'label' => __( 'Boomerang', 'bb-custom-shapes-boomerang' ),
        'name' => 'boomerang',

        /* Optional x and y origin values, from SVG viewBox
         ex: viewBox="x y width height" */
        // 'x' => 0,
        // 'y' => 0,
        /* Required width and height values from SVG definition */
        'width' => 347,
        'height' => 85,
        /* Optional aspect ratio setting, from the SVG element - see svg spec */
        // 'preserve_aspect_ratio' => 'none' 

    /* Include the path to your artwork */
        'render' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/shapes/boomerang.svg.php',
add_action('init', 'bb_register_custom_shapes');