9/14/2017 - 10:15 AM

API Notes

API Notes

API Value Chain - The most important link so people will use your api are the Developers

Best Practices: 
1. avoid using
2. Keep your base url simple
3. Use subdomain or a Separate subdomain

Resource Name 
1. Should be noun and plural -{id}
2. Verbs is ok. (API Operation != Crud)
3. Actions
    Post /vacation/{id}/book
    Post /book/vacation
    Get  /vacations/search?
4. Associations - try to avoid deep nesting, use the query if not avoiadable
    facebook /me/phptos
    walmart  items/{id}/reviews
    twitter musts/users/list
    get - /vacation/{id}/reviews
    Get pud delete - /vacation/{id}/reviews/{review-id}

    - Mapping CRUD to HTTP Methods
        - Post = Create
        - Get = Read or Retrive
        - Put, Patch = Update
        - Delete = Delete
    - Use of HTTP status code 3 digit
        - 1** = informational = continue
        - 2** = success = ok
        - 3** = redirect = Temporary redirect
        - 4** = client error = Not Found
        - 5** = server error = Internal Server Error
    - Support Multiple resource formats

Uniform Interface Constraint
    - contract for communicationm between client and server
    - HTTP Methods
    - HTTP status codes
    - Representation formats

Post Request Handling 
    - Post = Create = /vacations or /vacations/{id}/reviews
        - when sucess, return code=201 
            - May return a link to a new resource in location header
            - May return the new object
    - Failure 404 - Bad Request - 400 missing required field
    - Failure 500 - server error
    - Get = Read or Retrive /vacations or /vacations/{id}
        -  when sucess, return code 200 ok 
            - server sends back in requested formats
        - Failure 4** Bad request - ex resource not Found
        - Failure 5** Server Error - ex 500 internal server error
    - Put, Patch = Update - (Put Use when updating all the attributes, Patch when updating specific attribute)
        - PUt can create if client provide an ID. (Not suggested)
        - Patch 
        - success: return 200, 204 (no content), and 201 (created)
            - resource in body of response - Optional
            - No need to send the link - optional
    - Delete = Delete
        - URL: /vacation  - deletes all vacation
            - /vacation/{id} - deletes specific vacation
        - Success: 200, or 204(No returned content) - May return deleted resource in the response body
        - Failure 4** -  Bad Request - ex 404 resouce not Found
        - Failure 5** - Issue in processing - ex 503 database unreachable

Resource Representation (Support: json, xml, csv)
    - Query Parameters
        - search?key=value&format=xml, search?key=value&format=json, search?key=value&format=csv
    - HTTP header Accepts - Accepts: application/json, Accepts: application/xml
    - Resource Format Suffix - /programmes/schedules/fm/today.json, /programmes/schedules/fm/today.xml
    - Whats Common:
        - HTTP Accept header is not so Common
        - Most Providers set the default fomat = json 
    - Respose:
        - Must include a Content-Type in the header
        - Return HTTP status code
        - Documentation:
            - list supported formats
            - How requestor specifies