10/31/2016 - 5:14 AM

Ternary example, IfEmpty, Macro Resolver, Visbility, transformation: check if first record, transformation: check if last record, K# Example

Ternary example, IfEmpty, Macro Resolver, Visbility, transformation: check if first record, transformation: check if last record, K# Examples, nested if statement, escaping apostrophe in macro conditional, WebPart Visibility, String replace, kentico caching long lists of data, Template / Layout, Get Custom Table data using macro, Set site to non-https from db, jquery ajax call example, Dates, Format Numbers

​/* Transformation Examples */

// Ternary example
<%# !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Eval("ItemToTest")) ? "True" : "False" %>
<%# !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Eval("CatalogLink")) ? "<p>For detailed curriculum and more, please visit the <a href=\"" + Eval("CatalogLink") + "\" target=\"_blank\">Course Catalog entry</a> for this program.</p>" : Eval("CatalogDescription") + "<br /><br /><strong>For detailed curriculum and more please visit the <a onclick=\"_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Link', 'Click' 'Course Catalog Adult Education'])\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + Eval("CatalogLink") + "\">Course Catalog entry</a> for this program.</strong><br />" %>

// IfEmpty
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("Image"), "", "<img src=\"" + Eval("Image") + "\" class=\"alignright\" alt=\"" + Eval("DocumentName") + "\" />") %>
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("Download"), "", "<a href=\"" + Eval("Download") + "\" class=\"btn icon-download\" target=\"_blank\">Download</a>") %>

// Macro Resolver
<a href="<%# CMSContext.ResolveMacros( Eval("URL").ToString() ) %>"><%# Eval("Name") %></a>

// Visbility
<p runat="server" Visible='<%# Eval<string>("Name") != "some-value" %>'>

<cms:QueryRepeater ID="qrConcentrations" runat="server" 
    Visible='<%# isCurrentPage(Eval<String>("nodeAlias"))%>'
    OrderBy="v1.DegreeName ASC" 

/* transformation: check if first record */
<%# DataItemIndex == 0 ? "First record" : "Not first record" %>

/* transformation: check if last record */
<%# DataItemIndex == DataRowView.DataView.Count - 1 ? "Last record" : "Not last record" %>

/* K# Examples */

// If statement
{% if (CurrentDocument.RelatedTitlesHeader == "") { "Related Books" } else { CurrentDocument.RelatedTitlesHeader } %}

{% if (bizFormField != null) { "<p>$$value:bizFormField$$</p>" } %}

// nested if statement
{% if (CMSContext.CurrentDocument.RelativeURL == "~/georgia/rate-quote") { GetResourceString("MHI.RateQuote.Georgia") } else { if (CMSContext.CurrentDocument.RelativeURL == "~/indiana/rate-quote") { GetResourceString("MHI.RateQuote.Indiana") } else { if (CMSContext.CurrentDocument.RelativeURL == "~/oklahoma/rate-quote") { GetResourceString("MHI.RateQuote.Oklahoma") } else { if (CMSContext.CurrentDocument.RelativeURL == "~/south-carolina/rate-quote") { GetResourceString("MHI.RateQuote.SouthCarolina") }}}} #%}

// escaping apostrophe in macro conditional
{% if (QueryString["DateSelected"]) { %} 
    CONVERT(date, EventDate) <= '{% QueryString["DateSelected"]|(handlesqlinjection)true %}' AND CONVERT(date, EventEndDate) >= '{% QueryString["DateSelected"]|(handlesqlinjection)true %}'
    {% }|(handlesqlinjection)false 

/* WebPart Visibility */
// Do NOT show if DocumentName is equal to "Home"
// Do NOT show if NodeID is equal to "211"

// Hide page(s) in the /Landing-Pages directory
// Show if DocumentName is equal to "Home"

// Show if path contains
{%Contains(CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath, "Landing-Pages")#%}

// Show if path does not contain
{%!Contains(CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath, "Landing-Pages")#%}
{%not(Contains(CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath, "Landing-Pages"))#%}
// Visibility based on Wildcard value
{%QueryString["County"] != ""%}

// Get QueryString value
{% QueryString.parameter %}

// Multiconditional
{% if (PortalContext.ViewMode == "Design") { return false; } else { if (PortalContext.ViewMode == "Edit") { return false } else { return true }} #%}

// Date format
<%# GetDateTime("BlogPostDate", "D") %>

/* String replace */
// Kentico: Transformation, string replace, tolower
<%# Eval("DocumentName").ToString().Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() %>

/* kentico caching long lists of data */
items = Cache(GlobalObjects.CustomTables["BCLS.Reagents"].items);
items2 = Cache(GlobalObjects.CustomTables["BCLS.FlowInstrumentsAndSoftware"].items);

// Resolve Localization strings in transformation
<%# ResHelper.LocalizeString("{$Autobag.SpareParts.Btn_AddToRFQ$}") %>

/* Template / Layout */
// Fetch document name
<%= CMSContext.CurrentDocument.DocumentName %>
<%= CMSContext.CurrentDocument.DocumentName.ToString().Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() %>

PersonDivision LIKE '%{% QueryString["School"].ToString().Replace("-", " ").ToLower() %}%' and PersonIsFacultyLeader = 1

/* Get Custom Table data using macro */
{% GlobalObjects.CustomTables["customtable.SampleTable"].Items[3].GetValue("ItemText") %}

/* Set site to non-https from db */
update CMS_SettingsKey
  set KeyValue='False'
  where KeyName='CMSUseSSLForAdministrationInterface'
  update CMS_Tree
  set IsSecuredNode= NULL, RequiresSSL=NULL
/* jquery ajax call example */
  url: 'http://claremontsavings.com.w1.wfdev.net/rest/content/currentsite/all?classnames=claremont.LocationContentBlock&hash=94c0c05e0ee167c1e1d8999a52b6efe2170d0a5b07f3a8b02a138be0139c2555',
  dataType: 'xml',
  success: function(xml, status, xhr) {
    $(xml).find('claremont_LocationContentBlock').each(function() {
      var name = $(this).find('DocumentName').text();
      var location = $(this).find('NodeAlias').text();
      var zip = $(this).find('ZipCode').text();
      $('<li>' + zip + ' - ' + name + ' (' + location + ')' + '</li>').appendTo('#zipCodes');
      $('<p>' + zip + '</p>').appendTo('#rawData');
    console.log('Status: ' + xhr.statusText);
  error: function(xhr, status, error) {
    console.log('Error occurred: ' + xhr.statusText);

/* Dates */
<%# FormatDateTime(Eval("EventDate"), "MMMM d") %>
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("EventEndDate"), "", IfCompare(FormatDateTime(Eval("EventDate"), "MMM d"), FormatDateTime(Eval("EventEndDate"), "MMM d"), " - " + IfCompare(Eval<DateTime>("EventDate").Month, Eval<DateTime>("EventEndDate").Month, FormatDateTime(Eval("EventEndDate"), "MMMM d"), FormatDateTime(Eval("EventEndDate"), " d")), "")) %>

/* Format Numbers */
<%# String.Format("{0:n}", Int64.Parse(Eval("Field").ToString())) %>    // 100,000.00
<%# String.Format("{0:n0}", Int64.Parse(Eval("Field").ToString())) %>   // 100,000​