4/18/2018 - 5:25 AM

Example of async call using C and setjmp and longjmp

Example of async call using C and setjmp and longjmp

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>

/*Async style call example in C*/

// Used for threads NOTE the starting value is zero.
static int TOTAL = 0;

// Used for async style return
static jmp_buf ENVBUF;

// The function a thread is invoked with.
void* threadJob(void *vargp)
    puts("Done sleeping"); // This statement doesn't get called, as the call is async.
    TOTAL += 300;
    return NULL;

//This function orchestrates the workers 
void callWorkers(void)
  pthread_t worker1;
  pthread_t worker2;
  // Starts the workers, 
  pthread_create(&worker1, NULL, threadJob, NULL);
  pthread_create(&worker2, NULL, threadJob, NULL);
  // jumps out of the current stack frame, hence not waiting for the threads to finish.
  longjmp(ENVBUF, 1);

int main(void) {
  pthread_t worker;
  if(setjmp(ENVBUF)) // This only runs after longjmp is called. 
    printf("async calls commenced, total is still %d\n", TOTAL);
    printf("Calling worker threads, total is now %d\n", TOTAL);
  return 0;