9/7/2014 - 1:34 PM


OpenVPN on Mac

OpenVPN on OpenWrt

I need some help to configure an TP-Link WR-710N as an OpenVPN Gateway to IPredator. I use the barrier breaker trunk, WiFi is working in bridge mode out of the box.

I followed this instruction (the Network Topologie Picture shows the setup i like to install), the vpn connection is working: https://blog.ipredator.se/howto/openwrt/configuring-openvpn-on-openwrt.html

Now I want to route the Wifi connections through the vpn. First I modified my wifi settings to get a routed AP with an own dhcp range like described here:


And here starts the trouble, if i connect to this new network, I can't connect to the internet. DNS is working but I can't trace or browse to a site in www.

If I could solve this problem, how to route the wifi traffic trough the vpn?

I poke arround since christmas but can't get this setup work. Could someone guide me trough this setup?


