Create FreeBSD virtual machine using qemu. Run the VM using xhyve.
$ brew install xhyve --HEAD
$ brew install qemu
$ sudo port install qemu xhyve
$ sudo /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign '' -o library --entitlements /opt/local/share/xhyve/entitlements.plist /opt/local/bin/xhyve
## need to sign the too
$ sudo /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign '' -o library --entitlements /opt/local/share/xhyve/entitlements.plist /opt/local/share/xhyve/test/
More info on signing
$ cd /Path/to/workdir
$ qemu-img create -f raw VM10G.raw 10G
Formatting 'VM10G.raw', fmt=raw size=10737418240
$ ls
FreeBSD-10.2-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso VM10G.raw
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -m 256 -hda VM10G.raw -cdrom FreeBSD-10.2-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso
WARNING: Image format was not specified for 'VM10G.raw' and probing guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
QEMU window will open. Install FreeBSD.
Before using xhyve, run the vm using qemu.
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -m 256 -hda VM10G.raw
Change GEOM name 'ada0' to 'vtbd0'.
Change /etc/fstab:
# Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass#
/dev/ada0p2 / ufs rw 1 1
/dev/ada0p3 none swap sw 0 0
# Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass#
/dev/vtbd0p2 / ufs rw 1 1
/dev/vtbd0p3 none swap sw 0 0
Note: We're changing the devices from /dev/ada***
to /dev/vtbd***
And set DHCP to vtnet0 interface.
Edit /etc/rc.conf
Shut it down and close the qemu window.
Create running script.
MEM="-m 2G"
SMP="-c 2"
IMG_HDD="-s 4:0,virtio-blk,$BOOTVOLUME"
PCI_DEV="-s 0:0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc"
LPC_DEV="-l com1,stdio"
NET="-s 2:0,virtio-net"
# UUID="-U deaddead-dead-dead-dead-deaddeaddead"
file can also be found in the xhyve repository under the test directory, if you'd like to store it somewhere else.
Run the FreeBSD VM.
$ sudo ./
______ ____ _____ _____
| ____| | _ \ / ____| __ \
| |___ _ __ ___ ___ | |_) | (___ | | | |
| ___| '__/ _ \/ _ \| _ < \___ \| | | |
| | | | | __/ __/| |_) |____) | |__| |
| | | | | | || | | |
|_| |_| \___|\___||____/|_____/|_____/ ``` `
s` `.....---.......--.``` -/
+============Welcome to FreeBSD===========+ +o .--` /y:` +.
| | yo`:. :o `+-
| 1. Boot Multi User [Enter] | y/ -/` -o/
| 2. Boot [S]ingle User | .- ::/sy+:.
| 3. [Esc]ape to loader prompt | / `-- /
| 4. Reboot | `: :`
| | `: :`
| Options: | / /
| 5. [K]ernel: kernel (1 of 2) | .- -.
| 6. Configure Boot [O]ptions... | -- -.
| | `:` `:`
| | .-- `--.
| | .---.....----.
If you got following mount error, you may be forgeting #1.
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ada0p2 [rw]...
mountroot: waiting for device /dev/ada0p2 ...
Mounting from ufs:/dev/ada0p2 failed with error 19.
Loader variables:
Manual root filesystem specification:
<fstype>:<device> [options]
Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
and with the specified (optional) option list.
eg. ufs:/dev/da0s1a
cd9660:/dev/acd0 ro
(which is equivalent to: mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/acd0 /)
? List valid disk boot devices
. Yield 1 second (for background tasks)
<empty line> Abort manual input
But you can mount device manually.
mountroot> ?
List of GEOM managed disk devices:
gptid/5bebeba9-6364-11e5-abe5-bd56998f3bd1 gptid/5be6a257-6364-11e5-abe5-bd56998f3bd1 ufsid/56050e05aac93398 gptid/5be40c9f-6364-11e5-abe5-bd56998f3bd1 diskid/DISK-BHYVE-1C5B-53F3-EA71p3 diskid/DISK-BHYVE-1C5B-53F3-EA71p2 diskid/DISK-BHYVE-1C5B-53F3-EA71p1 vtbd0p3 vtbd0p2 vtbd0p1 diskid/DISK-BHYVE-1C5B-53F3-EA71 vtbd0
mountroot> ufs:ufsid/56050e05aac93398
$ sudo touch /etc/exports
$ sudo emacs /etc/exports
Edit /etc/exports (exports(5))
/PATH/TO/EXPORTDIR -mapall=501 -network -mask
Reread file (nfsd(8))
$ sudo nfsd update
# mkdir /usr/home/YOU/host-shared
# sudo mount /usr/home/YOU/host-shared
# mount
/dev/vtbd0p2 on / (ufs, local, journaled soft-updates)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel) on /usr/home/YOU/host-shared (nfs)
# sudo umount
Resize VM size on Host. This example 10GB -> 15GB.
$ qemu-img resize VM10G.raw 15GB
Fix disk partitions configuration on VM
# gpart show
=> 34 20971453 vtbd0 GPT (15G) [CORRUPT]
34 1024 1 freebsd-boot (512K)
1058 19919872 2 freebsd-ufs (9.5G)
19920930 1048576 3 freebsd-swap (512M)
20969506 1981 - free - (991K)
# gpart recover vtbd0
vtbd0 recovered
# gpart show
=> 34 31457213 vtbd0 GPT (15G)
34 1024 1 freebsd-boot (512K)
1058 19919872 2 freebsd-ufs (9.5G)
19920930 1048576 3 freebsd-swap (512M)
20969506 10487741 - free - (5.0G)
Delete swap partition
# swapoff /dev/vtbd0p3
# gpart delete -i 3 vtbd0
vtbd0p3 deleted
# gpart show
=> 34 31457213 vtbd0 GPT (15G)
34 1024 1 freebsd-boot (512K)
1058 19919872 2 freebsd-ufs (9.5G)
19920930 11536317 - free - (5.5G)
Resize freebsd-ufs partition
# gpart resize -i 2 -a 4k -s 14G vtbd0
vtbd0p2 resized
root@xhyve-freebsd:~ # gpart show
=> 34 31457213 vtbd0 GPT (15G)
34 1024 1 freebsd-boot (512K)
1058 29360126 2 freebsd-ufs (14G)
29361184 2096063 - free - (1.0G)
Recreate swap partition
# gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4k -s 512M vtbd0
vtbd0p3 added
# gpart show
=> 34 31457213 vtbd0 GPT (15G)
34 1024 1 freebsd-boot (512K)
1058 29360126 2 freebsd-ufs (14G)
29361184 1048576 3 freebsd-swap (512M)
30409760 1047487 - free - (511M)
# swapon /dev/vtbd0p3
Grow the UFS file system
# growfs /dev/vtbd0p2
Device is mounted read-write; resizing will result in temporary write suspension for /.
It's strongly recommended to make a backup before growing the file system.
OK to grow filesystem on /dev/vtbd0p2, mounted on /, from 9.5GB to 14GB? [Yes/No] Yes
super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at:
20516032, 21798272, 23080512, 24362752, 25644992, 26927232, 28209472
Check the resized file system.
# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/vtbd0p2 14G 1.9G 11G 16% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
You might want to consider renaming the raw
file since it is no longer 10 GB.