C++14 tuple continuation monad
//Author: Manu Sánchez (Manu343726). Aug 2014
//Everything started from this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25338795/is-there-a-name-for-this-tuple-creation-idiom
//Now, play with C++14!
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
template<typename... Ls>
struct lambdas_ : public Ls...
lambdas_( const Ls&... ls ) :
Ls( ls )...
lambdas_(Ls&&... ls ) : Ls( ls )...
template<typename... Ls>
lambdas_<typename std::decay<Ls>::type...> lambdas( Ls&&... ls )
return { std::forward<Ls>( ls )... };
template<typename D>
struct tuple_erase_base
template<typename... ARGS>
auto operator()(ARGS&&... args)
return static_cast<D*>(this)->tuple(std::forward<ARGS>( args )...);
tuple_erase_base& as_base()
return *this;
template<typename T>
struct tuple_erase : public tuple_erase_base<tuple_erase<T>>
friend class tuple_erase_base<tuple_erase<T>>;
tuple_erase( T tuple_ ) : tuple( std::move( tuple_ ) )
T tuple;
template<typename T>
tuple_erase<typename std::decay<T>::type> erase( T&& tuple )
return { std::forward<T>( tuple ) };
auto fix_rec = [](auto f)
return [=](auto... args)
return f(f,args...);
auto tuple = [](auto... args)
return erase([=](auto f){ return f(args...); });
auto as_base = [](auto... args)
return tuple(args...).as_base();
template<typename HEAD , typename... TAIL>
struct last_type
using type = typename last_type<TAIL...>::type;
template<typename T>
struct last_type<T>
using type = T;
auto ituple = [](auto... args)
return [=](std::size_t i)
return fix_rec(lambdas(
[](auto self , std::size_t j , auto head , auto... tail)
if( j == 0 )
return head;
return [=]() -> decltype(head) { return self(self , j - 1 , tail...); }();
[](auto self , std::size_t j) -> typename last_type<decltype(args)...>::type
throw std::out_of_range{"Index out of bounds"};
auto at = ituple;
auto identity = [](auto x)
return x;
auto map = [](auto... args)
return [=](auto f){ return tuple(f(args)...); };
auto foldl_ = [](auto self , auto... args)
return [=](auto f , auto state) -> decltype(state)
auto rec = [=](auto arg , auto... tail) -> decltype(state)
return self(self,tail...)(f,f(state,arg));
auto base = [=]()
return state;
return lambdas(rec,base)(args...);
auto foldl = [](auto... args)
return foldl_(foldl_,args...);
auto cat = []( auto... largs )
auto closure_ = [=](auto... rargs ) { return tuple(largs...,rargs...); };
return [=](auto rhs)
return rhs(closure_);
auto filter = []( auto... args )
return [=](auto f)
auto base = [](auto self , auto passed){ return passed; };
auto rec = [f](auto self , auto passed , auto head , auto... tail )
auto next = f(head) ? passed(cat)(tuple(head,tail...)) : passed(cat)(tuple(tail...));
return self(self, next , tail...);
return fix_rec(lambdas(base,rec))(tuple(),args...);
auto size = [](auto... args)
return sizeof...(args);
auto print_tuple = [](auto t , std::ostream& os = std::cout){ return t(map)( [&](auto e){ os << e << " "; return e; } ); };
int main()
auto t = tuple(1,2,3,4,5)(cat)(tuple(6,7,8,9))
(map)([](auto i){ return i*2; })
(map)([](auto i){ return i - 1; })
(foldl)( [](auto s , auto i){ return s + i;} , 0 );
std::cout << t << std::endl;
print_tuple( true ? tuple(1)(cat)(tuple(2))(as_base) : tuple()(cat)(tuple(1,2,3,4))(as_base);