MasterMind game, with the computer as the code breaker. Dedicated to my daughter.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
const char *mm_colors = "RGBWOPYSE";
const char *mm_numbers = "123456789";
long *mm_enumerate(int m, int n, int rep, long *_z) // m colors, n columns
int j, *b;
long *a, k, x = 1L, z;
b = alloca(m * sizeof(int));
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) x *= m;
a = calloc(x, sizeof(long));
for (k = z = 0; k < x; ++k) {
if (!rep) {
long y = k;
memset(b, 0, m * sizeof(int));
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if (++b[y%m] > 1) break;
y /= m;
if (j < n) continue;
a[z++] = k;
*_z = z;
return a;
unsigned mm_eval(int m, int n, long t, long g)
int i, j, *ct, *cg, n_precise = 0, n_present = 0;
ct = alloca(m * sizeof(int)); memset(ct, 0, m * sizeof(int));
cg = alloca(m * sizeof(int)); memset(cg, 0, m * sizeof(int));
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j, t /= m, g /= m) {
int tt = t % m, gg = g % m;
if (tt == gg) ++n_precise;
++ct[tt], ++cg[gg];
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
n_present += ct[i] < cg[i]? ct[i] : cg[i];
return (unsigned)n_precise<<16 | (n_present-n_precise);
char *mm_int2str(int m, int n, const char *colors, long g)
char *r;
int j;
r = calloc(n + 1, 1);
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j, g /= m)
r[j] = colors[g%m];
return r;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int c, n_colors = 6, n_cols = 4, repeated = 0, n_rounds = 0, show_number = 0;
long *a, n_a;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:n:rhN")) >= 0) {
if (c == 'c') n_colors = atoi(optarg);
else if (c == 'n') n_cols = atoi(optarg);
else if (c == 'r') repeated = 1;
else if (c == 'N') show_number = 1;
else if (c == 'h') {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./mastermind [options]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -c INT number of colors [6]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -n INT number of positions [4]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -r with repitition\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -N use numbers instead of colors\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Note:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " For each round, input two numbers separated by a space:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " First: number of codes with correct colors AND positions.\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Second: number of codes with correct colors but incorrect positions.\n");
return 1;
a = mm_enumerate(n_colors, n_cols, repeated, &n_a);
for (;;) {
int g, e[2];
long k, *b, n_b = 0;
char *gstr;
g = a[(long)(n_a * drand48())];
printf(" * Round %d, %ld solutions remains\n", ++n_rounds, n_a);
gstr = mm_int2str(n_colors, n_cols, show_number? mm_numbers : mm_colors, g);
printf(" Guess: %s\n", gstr);
printf(" > ");
scanf("%d%d", &e[0], &e[1]);
if (e[0] == n_cols) {
printf("* DONE in %d rounds\n", n_rounds);
b = calloc(n_a, sizeof(long));
for (k = 0; k < n_a; ++k) {
unsigned r;
r = mm_eval(n_colors, n_cols, a[k], g);
if (r>>16 == e[0] && (r&0xffff) == e[1])
b[n_b++] = a[k];
a = b, n_a = n_b;
if (n_b == 0) {
printf("* Conflicting input!\n");
return 0;