5/16/2014 - 9:32 PM

if / else statement.

if / else statement.

//The Conditional Challenge

//Use conditional statements to build a multiple question quiz.

/*  codiing
1. Ask five questions
2. Keep track of the number of questions the user answered correctly
3. Provide a final message after the quiz letting the user know 
   the number of questions he or she got right.
4. rank the player
- 5   correct gold crown
- 3-4 correct silver crown
- 2-1 correct bronze crown
- 0 

// Start with a variable to hold the number of correct answers
// quiz begins, no answers correct
var correct = 0;

// ask questions

var answer1 = prompt("Name a programming language that's also a gem");
if ( answer1.toUpperCase() === 'RUBY'){
	correct += 1; // add 1 to this variable for each question answer correctly

var answer2 = prompt("Name a programming language that's also a snake");
if ( answer2.toUpperCase() === 'PYTHON'){
	correct += 1; // add 1 to this variable for each question answer correctly

var answer3 = prompt("What language do you use to style web pages");
if ( answer3.toUpperCase() === 'CSS'){
	correct += 1; // add 1 to this variable for each question answer correctly

var answer4 = prompt("What language do you use to build the structure of web pages");
if ( answer4.toUpperCase() === 'HTML'){
	correct += 1; // add 1 to this variable for each question answer correctly

var answer5 = prompt("What language do you use to add interactivity to the web");
if ( answer5.toUpperCase() === 'JAVSCRIPT'){
	correct += 1; // add 1 to this variable for each question answer correctly

// output the result
// tell the player how many questions she have right

document.write('<p>You got " + correct + " out of 5 questions</p>'); 

// I provide a message based on the number of questions answer correctly

//outpt ranking

if(correct === 5){
     document.write('<p>You earned a gold crown!</p>');
} else if (correct >= 3){
    document.write('<p>You earned a silver crown!</p>');
} else if (correct >= 1){
    document.write('<p>You earned a bronze crown!</p>');
} else {
	 document.write('<p>No crown for you. You need to study!</p>');


var money = 9;
var today = 'Friday'

if ( money > 100 && today === 'Friday' ) { // false - true
  alert("Time to go to the theater");    
} else if ( money > 50 && today === 'Friday' ) { // false - true
  alert("Time for a movie and dinner");    
} else if ( money > 10 && today === 'Friday' ) {// false - true
  alert("Time for a movie");   
} else if ( money < 100 && today === 'Friday' ) {// false
  alert("It's Friday, but I don't have enough money to go out");   
} else {
  alert("This isn't Friday. I need to stay home.");

//Guess Game

// Perform 3 test
// Does the player guess match the random number
// is the player guess least than the random number
// is the player guess greater than th erandom number

var correctGuess = false; 
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 ) + 1;
var guess = prompt("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 6. What is it?");

if(parseInt(guess) === randomNumber){
     correctGuess = true; 
} else if (parseInt(guess) < randomNumber){
     var guessMore = prompt('Try again. The number I am thinking is more than ' + guess);
    if(parseInt(guessMore) === randomNumber){ // only run if the else if statement is true
   	 correctGuess = true;

} else if (parseInt(guess) > randomNumber){
     var guessLess = prompt('Try again. The number I am thinking is less than ' + guess);
   if(parseInt(guessLess) === randomNumber){ // only run if the else if statement is true
   	correctGuess = true;
     document.write('<p>You guessed the number!</p>'); 
	 document.write('<p>Sorry. the number was' + randomNumber + '</p>');
// Document Your Code With Comments

/* The random Number Guessing Game 
  generates a number between 1 and 6
  and gives a player two attempts to guess the number */

// assume the player didn't guess correctly
var correctGuess = false; 

//generate random number from 1 to 6
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 ) + 1;

var guess = prompt("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 6. What is it?");

/* test to see if player is
1. correct
2. guessed to high 
3. guesse to low
if(parseInt(guess) === randomNumber){
     correctGuess = true; 
} else if (parseInt(guess) < randomNumber){
     var guessMore = prompt('Try again. The number I am thinking is more than ' + guess);
    if(parseInt(guessMore) === randomNumber){ 
   	 correctGuess = true;
} else if (parseInt(guess) > randomNumber){
     var guessLess = prompt('Try again. The number I am thinking is less than ' + guess);
   if(parseInt(guessLess) === randomNumber){ 
   	correctGuess = true;

// test if player is corretc and output response
     document.write('<p>You guessed the number!</p>'); 
	 document.write('<p>Sorry. the number was' + randomNumber + '</p>');
//if statement


var answer = prompt('what programming language is the name of the gem?');
    if( answer === 'Ruby'){  //if answer is = to ruby run code
	   document.write("<p>That's right!</p>"); // if is true 
	   document.write("<p>You wrong!</p>"); // if is false
// is is true the first condition runs if not the second condition run	


if (spaceShips === 0){
    alert('Game Over!');

(100 <= 100)  -  true
(-12 < 0 )    -  true
("3" == 3)    -  true
("3" === 3)   -  false (always use ===)

Better to use !== than !=  (compare types two strings two numbers)

(10 !== 9)    -  true 
('10' !== 9)  -  true 
(-59 !== 59)  -  false

('apple' < 'bear') - true because a came first that b on the alphabet

//make a game harder if the score ids greater than 100


//Build a random number guessing game

// var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 ) + 1;  Basic formula for generating a random number

var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 ) + 1;
var guess = prompt('I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 6. What is it?");

if(parseInt(guess) === randomNumber){
     document.write('<p>You guessed the number!</p>'); 
	 document.write('<p>Sorry. the number was' + randomNumber + '</p>');


// Boolean

//You can assign a boolean to a variable

var correctGuess = false; //the variable only change if the player get the correct answer
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 ) + 1;
var guess = prompt('I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 6. What is it?");

if(parseInt(guess) === randomNumber){
     correctGuess = true; //if it guess the condition change to true
//then test variable
if(correctGuess === true){
     document.write('<p>You guessed the number!</p>'); 
	 document.write('<p>Sorry. the number was' + randomNumber + '</p>');
if (){
  //code block that holds different statements

if (12 / 4 === "Ari".length) {
    confirm("Will this run the first block?");
} else {
    confirm("Or the second block?");


if("Jon".length * 2 / (2+1) === 2)
    console.log("The answer makes sense!");
else {
    console.log("Error Error Error");


var number;

number = 21;

if (number > 10 && number < 20) {
    console.log(number + " is between 10 and 20.");
} else {
    console.log(number + " is NOT between 10 and 20.");


var number;

number = 21;

if (number > 10 && number < 20) {
    console.log(number + " is between 10 and 20.");
} else if (number <= 10) {
    console.log(number + " is less than 10.");
} else {
    console.log(number + " is greater than 20.");