Sublime Text Cheat Sheet
Jeff Miller, 23 January 2013
Useful URLs
Command Palette
- Open Palette: Ctrl+Shift+P (Tools > Command Palette...)
Goto Anything
- Go to file: Ctrl+P (Goto > Goto Anything...)
- Go to symbol: Ctrl+P, "@symbol" (Ctrl+R, Goto > Goto Symbol...)
- Go to line number: Ctrl+P, ":#" for line (Ctrl+G, Goto > Goto Line...)
- Go to word: Ctrl+P, "#word" (Ctrl+;)
- Insert line after: Ctrl+Enter
- Insert line before: Ctrl+Shift+Enter
- Repeat last keyboard command: Ctrl+Y (Edit > Repeat)
- Transpose: Ctrl+T (Edit > Text > Transpose)
- (Un)Comment current line: Ctrl+/ (Edit > Comment > Toggle Comment)
- Block (un)comment current selection Ctrl+Shift+/ (Edit > Comment > Toggle Block Comment)
- Paste and indent correctly: Ctrl+Shift+V (Edit > Paste and Indent)
- Uppercase: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U (Edit > Convert Case > Upper Case)
- Lowercase: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L (Edit > Convert Case > Lower Case)
Line Operations
- Indent current line(s): Ctrl+] (Edit > Line > Indent)
- Unindent current line(s): Ctrl+[ (Edit > Line > Unindent)
- Move line/selection up: Ctrl+Shift+Up (Edit > Line > Swap Line Up)
- Move line/selection down: Ctrl+Shift+Down (Edit > Line > Swap Line Down)
- Duplicate lines: Ctrl+Shift+D (Edit > Line > Duplicate Line)
- Join lines: Ctrl+J (Edit > Line > Join Lines)
- Delete word forwards: Ctrl+Del
- Delete word backwards: Ctrl+Backspace
- Delete line: Ctrl+Shift+K (Edit > Line > Delete)
- Delete from cursor to end of line: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K
- Delete from cursor to start of line: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Backspace
Selection (can Be Repeated Multiple Times)
- Select line: Ctrl+L (Selection > Expand Selection to Line)
- Select word: Ctrl+D (Selection > Expand Selection to Word)
- Skip selection: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D
- Undo last selection: Ctrl+U
- Select scope: Ctrl+Shift+Space (Selection > Expand Selection to Scope)
- Select brackets: Ctrl+Shift+M (Selection > Expand Selection to Brackets)
- Select indentation: Ctrl+Shift+J (Selection > Expand Selection to Indentation)
- Select tag: Ctrl+Shift+A (Selection > Expand Selection to Tag)
- Scroll to selection: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C (Goto > Scroll > Scroll to Selection)
- Jump to matching bracket: Ctrl+M (Goto > Jump to Matching Bracket)
- Jump to your last change: Ctrl+U (Edit > Undo Selection > Undo) (repeat to undo change)
- Toggle bookmark: Ctrl+F2 (Goto > Bookmarks > Toggle Bookmark)
- Next bookmark: F2 (Goto > Bookmarks > Next Bookmark)
- Previous bookmark: Shift+F2 (Goto > Bookmarks > Previous Bookmark)
- Select all bookmarks: Alt+F2 (Goto > Bookmarks > Select all Bookmarks)
- Find: Ctrl+F (Find > Find...)
- Find Next: F3 (Find > Find Next)
- Find Previous: Shift+F3 (Find > Find Previous)
- Replace: Ctrl+H (Find > Replace...)
- Find in files: Ctrl+Shift+F (Find > Find in Files...) (Navigate using F4, Shift+F4)
Code Folding:
- Fold: Ctrl+Shift+[ (Edit > Code Folding > Fold)
- Unfold: Ctrl+Shift+] (Edit > Code Folding > Unfold)
- Unfold all: Ctrl+K,Ctrl+J (Edit > Code Folding > Unfold All)
- Fold attributes: Ctrl+K,Ctrl+T (Edit > Code Folding > Fold Tag Attributes)
- Record: Ctrl+Q (Tools > Record Macro)
- Playback: Ctrl+Shift+Q (Tools > Playback Macro)
- Previous tab: Ctrl+PgUp (Goto > Switch File > Previous File)
- Next tab: Ctrl+PgDown (Goto > Switch File > Next File)
- Switch to tab number: Alt+number (Goto > Switch File > ...)
Split Layout
- Set single layout: Alt+Shift+1 (View > Layout > Single)
- Set # columns: Alt+Shift+2,3,4 (View > Layout > Columns)
- Set 2 or 3 rows: Alt+Shift+8,9 (View > Layout > Rows)
- Set 2x2 grid: Alt+Shift+5 (View > Layout > Grid)
- Move to group #: Ctrl+# (View > Focus Group)
- Move file to group #: Ctrl+Shift+# (View > Move file to Group)
- Toggle side bar: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+B (View > Side Bar > Hide Side Bar)
- Distraction free: Shift+F11 (View > Enter Distraction Free Mode)
- Enable spell-check: F6 (View > Spell Check) (Navigate using Ctrl+F6, Ctrl+Shift+F6)
Multiple Cursors
- Press Ctrl then click in each region
- Ctrl+Shift+L (Selection > Split into Lines)
- Highlight word, press Ctrl+D (Selection > Expand Selection to Word) repeatedly to select additional occurrences of that word.
- Add cursor at all occurrences of a word with Alt+F3 (Find > Quick Find All)
- Add new line with cursor: Ctrl+Alt+Up, Ctrl+Alt+Down (Selection > Add Previous Line)
- Return to single selection: Esc (Selection > Single Selection)
- You can select a rectangular selection by using Shift, then holding the right mouse button and dragging over the area you wish to select. You can remove part of the selection using Shift+Alt.
- Set mark: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Space (Edit > Mark > Set Mark)
- Select to mark: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+A (Edit > Mark > Select to Mark)
- Delete to mark: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W (Edit > Mark > Delete to Mark)
- Switch location with mark: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+X (Edit > Mark > Swap with Mark)
- Clear Mark: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+G (Edit > Mark > Clear Mark)
- Switch Project: Ctrl+Alt+P (Project > Switch Project in Window...)
- Select root folder: Project > Add Folder to Project...
- Save: Project > Save Project As... (.sublime-project file)
- Show scope in status bar: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P
- Re-indent Lines: Edit > Line > Reindent
- Close Tag: Alt+.
- Reopen Closed File: Ctrl+Shift+T (File > Open Recent... > Reopen Closed File)
- See Key Bindings: Preferences > Key Bindings - Default
- TextMate Theme Compatible: Themes Bundle (extract to "%AppData%\Sublime Text 2\Packages")
- A list of all installed packages is in "%AppData%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Package Control.sublime-settings" (see "installed_packages")
Command Line Script
Save as "subl.cmd" in your path, and run it. Supports wildcards.
REM 2012-12-30 Jeff Miller
CALL :GetStPath
IF "%StPath%"=="" ( ECHO Can't find Sublime Text & GOTO :EOF )
PATH %StPath%;%PATH%
set LIST=
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO :START
FOR %%i IN (%1) DO CALL :ADDARG "%%~fi"
START "Sublime Text" sublime_text.exe --add %LIST%
FOR /F "skip=2 delims=" %%f IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Sublime Text 2_is1" /v InstallLocation') DO SET P=%%f
ENDLOCAL & SET StPath=%p:~33%
Forcing Windows to use substitute font if "Menlo" is referenced
Add the following to the registry and then reboot. Requires DejaVu Fonts to be installed first.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]
"Menlo"="DejaVu Sans Mono"
My User Settings
- Install Nexus theme.
- Install Inconsolata font.
Preferences > Settings - User :
"bold_folder_labels": true,
"caret_style": "phase",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Nexus/Nexus.tmTheme",
"detect_indentation": false,
"draw_minimap_border": false,
"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
"fade_fold_buttons": false,
"font_face": "Inconsolata",
"font_size": 12,
"font_options": [
"font_size": 10,
"highlight_line": true,
"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
"hot_exit": false,
"ignored_packages": [
"line_numbers": false,
"line_padding_bottom": 1,
"line_padding_top": 1,
"rulers": [
"spell_check": true,
"tab_size": 4,
"theme": "Nexus.sublime-theme",
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
"use_tab_stops": true
File Creation Plugin.
- Create New File: Ctrl+Alt+N
Preferences > Package Settings > AdvancedNewFile > Settings - User :
"alias": {
"desktop": "C:/Users/jeff/Desktop/",
"temp": "C:/Users/jeff/AppData/Local/Temp"
Automatically Save Off A Backup Of Your Files Each Time You Save A File.
- Backwards in history: Ctrl+Alt+[
- Forwards in history: Ctrl+Alt+]
- Merge from backup history: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M
Preferences > Package Settings > Automatic Backups > Settings - User :
"backup_dir": "D:/Backups",
"backup_merge_command": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Beyond Compare 2/BC2.exe \"{oldfilepath}\" \"{curfilepath}\""
Bracket And Tag Highlighter.
Preferences > Package Settings > Bracket Highlighter > Settings - User :
"angle_style": "underline",
"curly_style": "underline",
"quote_style": "underline",
"round_style": "underline",
"square_style": "underline",
"tag_style": "underline"
Remember, restore and sync scroll, bookmarks, marks, folds and cursors.
Keep a history of your clipboard items.
- Show History: Ctrl+Alt+V
- Paste Previous History Entry: Ctrl+Shift+V
- Paste Newer History Entry: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V
CTags Support.
- Find > CTags
- Rebuild Tags: Ctrl+T, Ctrl+R
- Navigate to Definition: Ctrl+T, Ctrl+T
- Search for Definition: Ctrl+T, Ctrl+Y
- Jump Back: Ctrl+T, Ctrl+B
- Show Symbols: Alt+S (multi: Alt+Shift+S, language: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S)
Make Writing Documentation A Breeze. Supports Javascript, Php, Actionscript, Coffeescript, Java, Objective C, C And C++.
< Enter >
< Enter >
< Enter >function foobar (baz, quux) { }
- where function (or variable definition) already exists. Shift-Enter will place the definition inline.
- Decorate comment:
// foo!
< Ctrl+Enter >
Emmet (previously Called Zen Coding).
- Documentation
< Tab > becomes <div id="page" class="section"></div>
< Tab > becomes <div title="Hello"></div>
< Tab > becomes <li class="item#"></li>
(3 times)
p>{Click }+a{here}+{ to continue}
< Tab > becomes <p>Click <a href="">here</a> to continue</p>
div#page>(div#header>ul#nav>li*4>a{Item $})+(div#page>(h1>span)+p*2)+div#footer
< Tab >
Export code to HTML for copying/printing/saving.
- Ctrl+Shift+P, Export to HTML: Show Export Menu
Shows Diffs Between The Current File, Or Selection(s) In The Current File, And Clipboard, Another File, Or Unsaved Changes.
Preferences > Package Settings > FileDiffs > Settings - Default :
For Beyond Compare 2:
"cmd": [
"C:/Program Files (x86)/Beyond Compare 2/BC2.exe",
"open_in_sublime": false
Assist In Finding Key Conflicts Between Various Plugins.
- Ctrl+Shift+P, FindKeyConflicts
Generate Uuid.
- Generate UUID: Ctrl+Shift+U
Git Integration.
- Wiki
- Install Git using “Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt”
- Tools > Git
Allows The Toggling Of A File Into A Hex Viewing Mode.
- Tools > Packages > Hex Viewer
- NOTE: Shortcuts conflict with "build"
- Toggle hex editor mode: Ctrl+Shift+B, Ctrl+Shift+H
- Show hex inspector: Ctrl+Shift+B, Ctrl+Shift+I
Preferences > Package Settings > Hex Viewer > Settings - User :
"auto_open": true,
"auto_open_patterns": [
"bytes_per_line": 16,
"custom_font": "Consolas",
"custom_font_size": 12,
"group_bytes_by_bits": 8,
"inspector": false
Highlight mutiple words in different colors.
- Highlight Words: Ctrl+Alt+H (Edit > Highlight Words > Highlight Words)
- Unhighlight Words: Ctrl+Alt+U (Edit > Highlight Words > Unhighlight Words)
HTML5 bundle.
INI Syntax Highlighting.
Preview Your Markdown Files Quickly In Your Web Browser.
- Ctrl+Shift+P, Markdown Preview
Open URLs, Files, Folders, Or Google Text Under The Cursor Or In Selected Text.
Split the window however you like!
- Ctrl+K then press the arrow keys with modifiers:
- (no modifiers): travel to an adjacent pane
- Shift: carry the current file to the destination
- Alt: clone the current file to the destination
- Ctrl: create an adjacent pane
- Ctrl+Shift: destroy an adjacent pane
A Full-featured Package Manager That Helps Discovering, Installing, Updating And Removing Packages.
Ctrl+` then paste:
import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler())); open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(urllib2.urlopen(''+pf.replace(' ','%20')).read()); print 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation'
- Ctrl+Shift+P, Install Package (Preferences > Package Control)
An opinionated todo-list plugin
- Tutorial: Preferences > Package Settings > PlainTasks > Tutorial
- Create list: Ctrl+Shift+P, Tasks: New document
- New Task: Ctrl+Enter (or Ctrl+I)
- Task Complete (toggle): Ctrl+D
Support For The Ms PowerShell 2 Programming Language.
Prettify JSON.
Preferences > Package Settings > Pretty JSON > Settings - User :
"ensure_ascii": true,
"indent": 4,
"sort_keys": true,
"use_entire_file_if_no_selection": true
Provides Enhancements To The Operations On Side Bar Of Files And Folders.
- Open current file in browser: F12 (NOTE: doesn’t support IE)
Html, Css And Javascript Code Formatter.
- Requires Node.js
- Prettify: Ctrl+Shift+P, htmlprettify
Highlights Lines Of Code The Linter Deems To Contain (potential) Errors.
Preferences > Package Settings > SublimeLinter > Settings - User :
"sublimelinter": "load-save",
"sublimelinter_executable_map": {
"c": "C:/Program Files/cppcheck/cppcheck.exe",
"css": "C:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe",
"javascript": "C:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe"
"sublimelinter_gutter_marks": true,
"sublimelinter_popup_errors_on_save": true
Edit simple text tables in text mode.
- Usage: Preferences > Package Settings > Table Editor > README
- Demo: Ctrl+Shift+P, Table Editor: Show demo film in new scratch view
Collection Of Packages About Tags.
- Edit > Tag
- Put matching closing tag: Alt+.
Dark Custom Ui Theme.
VBScript Package.