12/9/2012 - 12:22 PM

useful to create large lists from others on twitter

useful to create large lists from others on twitter

 * useful to create large lists from others on twitter
 * @author Mirco Babini <mirkolofio@gmail.com>
 * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
 * @usage
 * gimmeabeer (listid);
 * gimmeabeer ([listid1, listid2, ..]);
(function (w) {
	w.tests = w.acts = 0;

	// change timeout if ajax fails coz of ur 56k connection :|
	var timeout = 500;

	// world is a better place now
	var _ = {},
		$ = w.jQuery;

	// gimmeabeer is the new execute
	w.gimmeabeer = function (listid) {
		_.listids = (!$.isArray (listid)) ? [listid] : listid;
		boostjquery ();
		// get elems on page and 'cycle' them
		var elems = $(".dropdown-menu li:nth-child(4)");
		elaborate (elems);
	var boostjquery = function () {
		$.fn.pop = [].pop;
		$.fn.shift = [].shift;
	// that's recursive coz of timeouts..
	var elaborate = function (elems)

		if (elems.length > 0)
			// shift an elem
			var elem = elems.shift ();

			// click on it to open the modalbox
			elem.click ();

			// wait and then* check-for-checking the field to check, lol
			setTimeout (function () {
				var index, listid, check;
				// cycle them all: if at least one is checked i won't act
				for (index in _.listids)
					listid = _.listids[index];
					check = $("#list-membership-dialog li[data-list-id=" + listid + "]");
					if (check.find ("input[type=checkbox]:first").is (":checked"))
						return true;

				check.click ();
			}, timeout);

			// wait for a while and go thru elems
			setTimeout (function () {
				elaborate (elems);

			}, timeout+100);
			alert (w.acts + '/' + w.tests);