global $post;
$images = get_posts(array("post_type" => "attachment",
"showposts" => -1,
"post_parent" => $post->ID,
"orderby" => "menu_order")
//Pega as imagens do post
$imagensNoPost = getImagensPost();
foreach($images as $image) {
$alt = get_post_meta($image->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
$image_title = $image->post_title;
$link = $image->post_excerpt;
$description = $image->post_content;
if ( $link == "" ){ $link = "#"; }
$urls = array ();
list ($url, $width, $height) = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image->ID, $s);
//Se não estiver no array, imprime a imagem
if (! in_array($url, $imagensNoPost) ) {
$url = resizeImg( $url, 1920, 400 );
<a href="<?php echo $description; ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image_title; ?>" />
//Cria um array com todas as imagens que estão no conteúdo
function getImagensPost() {
$arrayImg = array();
global $post;
$szPostContent = $post->post_content;
$szSearchPattern = '~<img [^\>]*\ />~';
// Run preg_match_all to grab all the images and save the results in $aPics
preg_match_all( $szSearchPattern, $szPostContent, $aPics );
// Check to see if we have at least 1 image
$iNumberOfPics = count($aPics[0]);
if ( $iNumberOfPics > 0 ) {
// Now here you would do whatever you need to do with the images
// For this example the images are just displayed
for ( $i=0; $i < $iNumberOfPics ; $i++ ) {
$imgPost = $aPics[0][$i];
// get the src for that image
$pattern = '/src="([^"]*)"/';
preg_match($pattern, $imgPost, $matches);
$src = $matches[1];
//$xpath = new DOMXPath(@DOMDocument::loadHTML($imgPost));
//$src = $xpath->evaluate("string(//img/@src)");
//Remove os tamanhos do WP
$pattern = array ( '/-(\d{1,5})x(\d{1,5})/' ); // encontra tudo dentro de -ZZZxZZZ onde a quantidade de Z pode ser 1 ou 5 e Z é um número
$src = preg_replace($pattern, "", $src);
//Adiciona o link da imagem no array
array_push($arrayImg, $src);
//Devolve o array
return $arrayImg;