ssh cheat sheet
Pipe a remote machine's localhost:5432 for postgres to your localhost:6432
ssh -nNT -L 9000:localhost:5432 user@database-ip-address
You can then use psql -h localhost -p 6432
to connect to the database locally.
Pipe your local web server currently on localhost:7777 to a remote server's port 8001.
ssh -nNT -R 8001:localhost:7777 user@server-ip-address
If you haven't already, add GatewayPorts yes
to /etc/ssh/sshd_config
run sudo service ssh restart
to allow remote hosts to access forwarded ports.
Use ssh to get around a firewall that doesn't allow access to facebook by piping to from your remote server to your localhost:9000
ssh -nNT -L user@remote-server-ip
Then simply open http://localhost:9000 to get full, encrypted access to facebook.
chmod go-w "/home/$USER"
chmod 700 "/home/$USER/.ssh"
chmod 644 "/home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys"
chown $USER:$USER "/home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" && chown $USER:$USER "/home/$USER/.ssh"
usermod -d "/home/$USER"
user to fix the issueservice ssh restart
If you would like to just use it in a single snippet, use
# corrects and secures the permissions for ssh
# by: Cody Kochmann
if [[ "$USER" == "root" ]]
echo "This script is for non-root users."
# ensuring everything exists
mkdir -p "/home/$USER/.ssh"
touch "/home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys"
# make sure the user's home directory is actually owned by the user
usermod -d "/home/$USER"
# Home directory on the server should not be writable by others
chmod go-w "/home/$USER"
# .ssh folder on the server needs 700 permissions
chmod 700 "/home/$USER/.ssh"
# authorized_keys file needs 644 permissions
chmod 644 "/home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys"
# make sure that user owns the ssh files and folders and not root
chown "$USER":"$USER" "/home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys"
chown "$USER:$USER" "/home/$USER/.ssh"
# restart ssh
service ssh restart