Импорт анимации камеры из AE в Viz
Dim info As String = "Импорт анимации камеры из AE в Vizrt
Разработчик: Дудин Дмитрий. TVC Версия 0.1 (21 июля 2016)"
Dim buttonNames As Array[String]
buttonNames.Push("50 fps")
buttonNames.Push("25 fps")
sub OnInitParameters()
RegisterPushButton("fold", "Add containers for Camera", 1)
RegisterPushButton("delanim", "Delete all anim of Camera", 2)
RegisterFileSelector("file", "Text file coordinates", "", "", "*.txt")
RegisterParameterString("layer","Layer name in AE", this.name, 50, 1000, "")
RegisterRadioButton("aefps", "fps in AE", 0, buttonNames)
RegisterPushButton("paste", "Paste animation from file", 3)
end sub
Dim cTarget, cCamera As container
Dim chPosTarget, chPosCamera As Channel
Dim input As String
Dim arrInput As Array[String]
Dim filePath As String
Dim key, key2 As Keyframe
Dim curTime As Double
Dim chPos,chRot,chRotX,chRotY,chRotZ,chScale As Channel
Dim line As String
Dim arrLine As Array[String]
Dim startLine As Integer
Dim aefps, i As Integer
Dim arrChannels As Array[Channel]
'исполнение скрипта
Dim stepScript As Integer = 0
Dim countSteps As Integer = 0
Dim countLines As Integer = 0
Dim stepStartLine As Integer
Dim stepCapability As Integer = 10
function CheckContainer() as boolean
cTarget = this.FindSubcontainer(this.name & "_camTarget")
cCamera = this.FindSubcontainer(this.name & "_camPosition")
if cTarget <> null AND cCamera <> null Then
CheckContainer = true
exit function
end if
CheckContainer = false
end function
function FindStartLine(arr As Array[String],layerName as String) as Integer
for i=0 to arr.UBound
if arr[i].Find(layerName) > -1 then
FindStartLine = i
exit function
end if
FindStartLine = -1
end function
sub OnExecAction(buttonId As Integer)
if buttonID == 1 AND NOT CheckContainer() then
cTarget = this.AddContainer(TL_DOWN)
cCamera = this.AddContainer(TL_DOWN)
cTarget.name = this.name & "_camTarget"
cCamera.name = this.name & "_camPosition"
elseif buttonId == 2 Then
'удаляем ВСЮ анимацию камеры
this.FindSubcontainer(this.name & "_camTarget").GetChannelsOfObject(arrChannels)
for i=0 to arrChannels.UBound
this.FindSubcontainer(this.name & "_camPosition").GetChannelsOfObject(arrChannels)
for i=0 to arrChannels.UBound
elseif buttonId == 3 Then
'открываем файл и получаем строки текста в arrInput
if NOT CheckContainer() then
println("There isn't camera container! Please push button for create them.")
exit sub
end if
filePath = GetParameterString("file")
if NOT System.FileExists(filePath) then
println("Can't FIND file " & filePath)
exit sub
end if
if NOT System.LoadTextFile(filePath, input) then
println("Can't READ file " & filePath)
exit sub
end if
cTarget = this.FindSubContainer( this.name & "_camTarget" )
cCamera = this.FindSubContainer( this.name & "_camPosition" )
'получаем базовые парамтеры (без анимации)
startLine = FindStartLine(arrInput,GetParameterString("layer"))
println("startLine = " & startLine)
line = arrInput[startLine]
line = arrLine[1]
line.Split(" ",arrLine)
'теперь в arrBase хранятся все базовые параметры:
'0,1,2 - позиция xyz
'3,4,5 - поворот xyz
'6,7,8 - ориентация xyz
'9,10,11 - масштаб xyz
'расставляем базовые параметры:
cTarget.position.x = CDbl(arrLine[0])
cTarget.position.y = CDbl(arrLine[1])
cTarget.position.z = CDbl(arrLine[2])
cCamera.position.x = CDbl(arrLine[3])
cCamera.position.y = CDbl(arrLine[4])
cCamera.position.z = CDbl(arrLine[5])
'удалить уже имеющуюся анимацию
'вставляем всю анимацию
aefps = GetParameterInt("aefps")
select case aefps
case 0
aefps = 50
case 1
aefps = 25
end select
chPosTarget = cTarget.FindOrCreateChannelOfObject("Position")
chPosCamera = cCamera.FindOrCreateChannelOfObject("Position")
'подсчитаем кол-во строк и посчитаем за сколько шагов их обработаем
countLines = 0
stepScript = 0
for i=startLine to arrInput.UBound
line = arrInput[i]
if line == "" then exit for
countLines += 1
println("countLines = " & countLines)
end if
end sub
sub MakeStep()
'для логики покадрового производства
i = startLine + stepScript
line = arrInput[i]
if line == "" then exit sub
curTime = Cint(arrLine[0])
line = arrLine[1]
line.Split(" ",arrLine)
curTime = curTime/aefps
if arrLine[0] <> "-" AND arrLine[1] <> "-" AND arrLine[2] <> "-" then
key = chPosTarget.AddKeyframe(curTime)
key.XyzValue = CVertex( CDbl(arrLine[0]),CDbl(arrLine[1]),CDbl(arrLine[2]) )
if aefps == 25 then
key2 = chPosTarget.AddKeyframe(curTime-0.02)
key2.XyzValue = key.XyzValue
end if
end if
if arrLine[3] <> "-" AND arrLine[4] <> "-" AND arrLine[5] <> "-" then
key = chPosCamera.AddKeyframe(curTime)
key.XyzValue = CVertex( CDbl(arrLine[3]),CDbl(arrLine[4]),CDbl(arrLine[5]) )
if aefps == 25 then
key2 = chPosCamera.AddKeyframe(curTime-0.02)
key2.XyzValue = key.XyzValue
end if
end if
println("Step " & stepScript & "/" & (countLines-1) & " is done.")
end sub
sub OnExecPerField()
if stepScript < countLines then
stepScript += 1
end if
end sub