1/13/2019 - 8:35 AM

CopyrightBank FAQ Japanese Translation

CopyrightBank FAQ Japanese Translation




1. What is CopyrightBank?


CopyrightBank is a Copyright registration and verification platform for digital works powered by Blockchain technology.


2. How do I register a Copyright work?


Once you upload your file, it is digitally-fingerprinted, time-stamped and registered on the NEM Blockchain. A Certificate of Registration is issued which records the details of the registration.

ファイルをアップロードすると、デジタルフィンガープリント(電子指紋)、タイムスタンプがNEMブロックチェーンに登録されます。 登録の詳細を記録する登録証明書が発行されます。

3. When should I register my work on CopyrightBank?


It is recommended that you register your work as soon as possible after you have created it. It is also recommended that you register your work prior to publishing, sharing or any private/public exposure. Your rights are strengthened when the time of registration is as close as possible to the time of creation.

作成した作品はできるだけ早く登録することをお勧めします。 また、出版、共有、または私的/公的な公開の前に、あなたの作品を登録することをお勧めします。 登録時が作成時にできるだけ近いときあなたの権利は強化されます。

4. How do I verify Copyright for a registered work?


Upload the same file or an identical copy together with the Certificate of Registration. Once verified, a Certificate of Verification will be issued.

登録証明書と一緒に同じファイルまたは同一のコピーをアップロードしてください。 検証が完了すると、検証証明書が発行されます。

5.What digital works can I register on CopyrightBank?


All digital works in any file format can be registered.


6. Is there a file size limit?


No. There is no limit to the file size on CopyrightBank. The only limitation is the processing power of your computer.

いいえ。CopyrightBankのファイルサイズに制限はありません。 唯一の制限はあなたのコンピュータの処理能力です。

7. How many files can I register/verify at the same time?


You can register up to a maximum of 100 files at any one time. The speed of registration/verification is limited by the processing power of your computer and your internet bandwidth.

一度に最大100ファイルまで登録できます。 登録/確認の速度は、コンピュータの処理能力とインターネットの帯域幅によって制限されます。

8. Can I register a file with a duplicate filename?



9. I am concerned with privacy. Do you keep a copy of my file?

私はプライバシーに関心があります。 あなたは私のファイルのコピーを保管していますか?

No. Your file is not transmitted to us. The file is processed on your computer and only a unique cryptographic snapshot called a hash is registered on the NEM Blockchain.

いいえ。あなたのファイルは私たちに送信されません。このファイルはコンピュータ上で処理され、ハッシュと呼ばれる一意の暗号化スナップショットのみが NEM ブロックチェーンに登録されます。

10. Do I have to pay to setup an account with CopyrightBank?


Setting up an account is absolutely free! However, to utilize the platform, you need to purchase tokens.


11. How much does it cost to use CopyrightBank?


CopyrightBank uses a token system that functions like credits. Each registration/verification requires one token. Tokens are currently priced at US$1 each.

CopyrightBank は、クレジットのように機能するトークンシステムを使用します。各登録/検証には1つのトークンが必要です。 トークンは現在、それぞれ1米ドルで販売されています。

12. Is there a minimum number of tokens I must purchase?


Yes, you must purchase a minimum of 5 tokens.



1. What is Copyright?


Copyright is an Intellectual Property legal right that protects creative works such as literature, art, music, film, software and databases.


2. Why should I register my work on CopyrightBank?


Your registration is a Proof of Existence and Proof of Possession. It shows that at the time of registration, the work existed and was in your possession. This can be used to support claims of Copyright authorship and ownership. Furthermore, a third party can independently verify your Copyright registration with just a copy of the file and the Certificate of Registration.


3. Does CopyrightBank help to resolve Copyright infringement disputes?


CopyrightBank does not resolve legal disputes. Disputes should be resolved in the relevant jurisdiction based on the existing laws and dispute resolution mechanisms.



1. What is the Blockchain?


The Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed digital ledger that stores data that cannot be altered or deleted. The data is protected by sophisticated cryptography.


2. What is the NEM Blockchain?


To find out more, visit www.nem.io

詳細については、https://www.nem.io をご覧ください。

3. Why use a Blockchain?


The Blockchain ledger is stored on thousands of computers located all over the world. This ensures that there is no downtime and is virtually impervious to hacking unlike centralized server systems. The cryptographic architecture of the Blockchain engenders trust in the integrity of the data.


4. Where can I confirm that my file has been registered on the NEM Blockchain?


Go to chain.nem.ninja and enter the “Transaction Hash” on the Certificate of Registration in the search box. Details of the record on the Blockchain will be displayed.

http://chain.nem.ninja/#/blocks/0 に移動し、検索ボックスに登録の証明書に「トランザクションハッシュ」を入力します。ブロックチェーン上のレコードの詳細が表示されます。


1. I’ve forgotten my password


Click on the “Forgot Password” link on the Login page. A password reset link will be sent to your email. Click on the link to reset your password.

ログインページの「Forgot Password」リンクをクリックしてください。 パスワード再設定リンクがあなたのEメールに送信されます。 パスワードをリセットするには、リンクをクリックしてください。

2. Where can I see the list of my registered files?


The full list of your registered files can be found under the “Portfolio” section.


3. Where can I download the Certificate of Registration?


You can download the Certificates of Registration from the “Portfolio” section.


4. Why is the Copyright registration not verified?


There are 3 possibilities - the file might not have been previously registered, the file might have been modified or the wrong Certificate of Registration has been uploaded.

3つの可能性があります - ファイルが以前に登録されていなかった可能性があるか、ファイルが変更されたか、または間違った登録証明書がアップロードされた可能性があります。