1/13/2017 - 11:06 PM


Thanks for contacting Microsoft Billing Support.  
We hope you had a great experience.
Based on our discussion, you needed help with the purchased on your account.
We understand you that the issue may not have resolved because we can't locvate the order uisng our tools here on our end  hence we recommend you to reply to this email if you can now remember the link of the store on where you have purhcase the product.  
However, if we weren’t able to meet your needs, we’d love to try again. Come back any time it’s convenient and we’ll do our best to help you.
Please do not respond to this message. Replies to this message are routed to an unmonitored mailbox.
For helpful information about your Microsoft Billing account or to contact us; please visit the following site:  and sign in with your Microsoft Account.

Thank you.

KAren G.

Microsoft Billing Support team
