rails c
# Want to make sure gems can be required, make sure to add them to group in Gemfile:
# http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/1788517#1001063
group :console do
gem 'awesome_print'
gem 'pry'
# Want to load things by default during start of the console:
# irb/rails console.rc? (.irbrc)
require 'awesome_print'
require 'pry'
# Using awesome_print to make output clearer
# use 'ap' to print with color and structure
> ap Object.methods
# Using pry to discover method implementations ( or search the rdocs? http://railsapi.com/doc/rails-v3.2.6/ ):
> pry
> show-method Object.method
# Tips and Tricks:
* to not mess with database, make sure to run: 'rails console --sandbox'
* choose the environment to run against: 'rails console [environment]'
* tab completion is very helpful to find all Classes/objects/instances -- and then available methods after '.'
* '.class', '.superclass', '.subclasses', '.parent', '.parent_name',
'.send(:method)', '.inspect'
* Get list of all available Database objects in the specific project: 'ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables' (create short alias in .irbrc)
* .methods.grep(/^().*/) #find all methods associated with object/instance