12/30/2014 - 6:56 PM

Generated by SassMeister.com.

Generated by SassMeister.com.

// ----
// Sass (v3.3.4)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// ----

// A Sass walk function,
// Calling a given function to each member of a list
// ---
// @param [list] $list: list to walk through
// @param [string] $function: function to apply to all members
// @param [argList] $args: extra arguments to pass to the function
// ---
// @return [list] $list: updated list
@function walk($list, $function, $args...) {
  @if not function-exists($function) {
    @warn "There is no `#{$function}` function.";
    @return false;
  @for $i from 1 through length($list) {
    $list: set-nth($list, $i, call($function, nth($list, $i), $args...));
  @return $list;

@function add($a, $b) {
  @return $a + $b;

sass {
  // Applying color functions to a list of colors
  test: walk(red green blue, complement);
  test: walk(red green blue, darken, 20%);
  // Applying string functions to a list of strings
  test: walk(one two three, to-upper-case);
  // Chaining two walk functions
  test: walk(walk(3 6 9, add, 10), sqrt);
  // Unknown function
  test: walk(test, 'gloubiboulga');
sass {
  test: cyan purple yellow;
  test: #990000 #001a00 #000099;
  test: ONE TWO THREE;
  test: 3.60555 4 4.3589;
  test: false;