This is the backup of the Prefill URLs for Version 2 (school bus) of the COREPAandHFWCode.
There were too many students for the code to complete during the allotted time, so I broke it up into 4 sub sections (around 113 students at a time). This should help it complete chunks before the time expires.
* Getting a prefilled URL is like sending a bus out to get passengers
* The bus is the formResponse
* The passengers are the formItems (each of which has an ID and type)
* They get on the bus in a particular order
* Once on the bus, it drives to a parking space
* Once many buses arrive, it becomes a parking lot--- this is the testSheet
||sec2||sec1 | St || T \\
[Form Response -||- __| ] --> Prefill URL (parking space) --> array of URLs (parking lot)
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function prefillUrls(){
// Sheet /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var responseSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Form Responses 1");
var requiredSectionSheet = ss.getSheetByName("requiredSectionSheet");
var testSheet = ss.getSheetByName("testSheet");
var testSheetHeaders = testSheet.getDataRange().getValues()[0];
var requiredSectionSheetData = requiredSectionSheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // gets all the values of the dataRange-- change this if the data is coming from a different sheet
var requiredSectionSheetHeaders = requiredSectionSheetData[0]; // gets the header row
var requiredSectionSheetHeadersLength = requiredSectionSheetHeaders.length;
///// Sheet Arrays /////
var prefilledResponseArray = []; // creates the array of responses to use as values for the prefill
var requiredSectionSheetLastRow = requiredSectionSheet.getLastRow();
var prefilledUrlArray = []; // creates an array of the prefilled URLs to paste onto the spreadsheet
for (var d = 0; d < requiredSectionSheetLastRow; d++) { // change the source sheet here and data above
} // for d
// Form /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var formUrl = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getFormUrl(); // gets the form URL that is attached to the spreadsheet
var formId = FormApp.openByUrl(formUrl).getId(); // gets the id of the form
var form = FormApp.openById(formId); // opens the form based on its id
// Response /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
///// Form Arrays /////
var titleArray = [];
var idArray = []; // creates an array of the ids for each item
var asTypeArray = []; // creates an array of the type of each item
var formLength = form.getItems().length;
for (var x = 0; x < formLength; x++) {
var testSheetIndexOfPrefillUrls = testSheetHeaders.indexOf("Prefill URLs");
for (var s = 0; s < formLength; s++) { // removes page breaks and section headers--these don't need to be prefilled
if (asTypeArray[s] == 'PAGE_BREAK' || asTypeArray[s] == 'SECTION_HEADER') {
idArray.splice(s, 1);
asTypeArray.splice(s, 1);
var formRequiredSectionIdArray = [];
var newAsTypeArray = [];
for (var x = 0; x < requiredSectionSheetHeadersLength; x++) {
formRequiredSectionIdArray.push(idArray[titleArray.indexOf(requiredSectionSheetHeaders[x])]); // needs to be an ID-- id index = index of header value in the title array
newAsTypeArray.push(asTypeArray[titleArray.indexOf(requiredSectionSheetHeaders[x])]); // needs to be a type-- type index = index of header value in the title array
var formRequiredSectionIdArrayLength = formRequiredSectionIdArray.length;
var formResponse = form.createResponse(); // Create a form response object--this is the bus
for (var x = 0; x < requiredSectionSheetLastRow - 1; x++) { // last row of where the array is-- minus 1 because of headers
for (var y = 0; y < formRequiredSectionIdArrayLength; y++) { // finds the index of -Prefill URLs- and iterates that number of times
// Creates a DYNAMIC itemType from the asTypeArray in the corresponding index
switch (newAsTypeArray[y]) { // needs a type
case FormApp.ItemType.CHECKBOX:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asCheckboxItem(); // these need an ID
case FormApp.ItemType.MULTIPLE_CHOICE:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asMultipleChoiceItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.LIST:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asListItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.PARAGRAPH_TEXT:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asParagraphTextItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.TEXT:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asTextItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.DATETIME:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asDateTimeItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.DATE:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asDateItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.TIME:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asTimeItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.DURATION:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asDurationItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.GRID:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asGridItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.SCALE:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asScaleItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.CHECKBOX_GRID:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asCheckboxGridItem();
case FormApp.ItemType.IMAGE:
var formItem = form.getItemById(formRequiredSectionIdArray[y]).asImageItem();
} // switch
try { var response = formItem.createResponse([ prefilledResponseArray[x+1][y] ]); // creates a response for each row in given sheet--- make sure to wrap the createResponse in []
formResponse.withItemResponse(response); /* adds it to the form response (has all the passengers get on the bus)*/} catch(err){/*Logger.log("Error at Row: " + x + "Column: " + y)*/;continue;}
} // for y
prefilledUrlArray.push(formResponse.toPrefilledUrl()); // puts the response into a URL (parking spot)
} // for x
var prefilledUrlArrayLength = prefilledUrlArray.length;
for (var d = 0; d < prefilledUrlArrayLength; d++) {
testSheet.getRange(2 + d, testSheetIndexOfPrefillUrls + 1).setValue(prefilledUrlArray[d]); // puts the array of urls into the given sheet (parking lot)
} // for d
} // function