8/31/2017 - 7:36 PM



'************************************ PUBLIC PART, USER INTERFACE ******************************************************

' Please run Print_Tprepared_ProjFolders_OT for info or Delete_TPrepared_ProjectFolders_OT for action!

' These routines will build a list (Print...) or delete project folders (Delete...) older than a limit date, from
' "T:\Prepared originals folder". It will only select properly named GSC project folders, highly GSC specific then.
' Both routines will ask for a limit date, selecting only folders whose dates of creation and modification are
' older than the one supplied.
' The Print... routine will build the list of folders and create anew document with info
' The Delete... routine will report on the folders it was unable to delete for some reason and numbering info

Private BaseDocName As String                       ' BackupQ
Private DocType(1, 18) As String                    ' Is_GSC_Doc
Private DocSuff(1, 5) As String                     ' Is_GSC_Doc
Private DocYear() As String                         ' Is_GSC_Doc
Private EUDocLang(1, 24) As String                  ' Is_GSC_Doc

Public Sub Print_Tprepared_ProjFolders_OT()

Dim OlderThanDate As String

OlderThanDate = InputBox("Please input «older than» date. («20/07/2017»)" & vbCr & vbCr & _
    "Selected project folders will have modification date and creation date older than this one", "Input date barrier")

If Not IsDate(OlderThanDate) Then
    MsgBox "Please type a valid date, in format «dd/mm/yyyy»!"
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim res As Variant

res = get_TPrepared_ProjFolders_OT(OlderThanDate)

Dim tmpList As String

If IsArray(res) Then
    Debug.Print "Found & " & UBound(res) + 1 & " old TPrepared project folders"
    For i = 0 To UBound(res)
        tmpList = IIf(tmpList = "", res(i) & vbCr, tmpList & res(i) & vbCr)
    Next i
    Documents.Add.Content.InsertAfter ("Found " & UBound(res) + 1 & " TPrepared project folders" & vbCr & "OLDER THAN: " & OlderThanDate & vbCr & vbCr & tmpList)
    Debug.Print "Found NO folders on TPrepared older than " & OlderThanDate
End If

End Sub

Public Sub Delete_TPrepared_ProjectFolders_OT()

Dim RestrictToNumber As Integer

Dim OlderThanDate As String

OlderThanDate = InputBox("Please input «older than» date. («20/07/2017»)" & vbCr & vbCr & _
    "Selected project folders will have modification date and creation date older than this one", "Input date barrier")

If Not IsDate(OlderThanDate) Then
    MsgBox "Please type a valid date, in format «dd/mm/yyyy»!"
    Exit Sub
End If

If MsgBox("Would you like to limit number of affected folders to a subset?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "That many?") = vbYes Then
    RestrictToNumber = InputBox("Please input number of folder to delete", "How many?")
    If Not IsNumeric(RestrictToNumber) Then
        MsgBox "Please supply an integer number of folders!"
        Exit Sub
    End If
End If

Dim res As Variant

res = get_TPrepared_ProjFolders_OT(OlderThanDate)   ' array of found project folders

Dim tmpList As String

If IsArray(res) Then
    Debug.Print "Found & " & UBound(res) + 1 & " old TPrepared project folders:"

    Dim delRes As Variant    ' a list of folders NOT deleted or empty string for success!
    If Not IsMissing(RestrictToNumber) Then
        delRes = DeleteAllFolders(res, RestrictToNumber)
        delRes = DeleteAllFolders(res)
    End If
    Debug.Print "Found NO folders on TPrepared older than " & OlderThanDate
End If

' did we get an array of not-deleted folders?
If IsArray(delRes) Then
    If UBound(delRes) > 0 Then
        If Not IsMissing(RestrictToNumber) Then
            MsgBox "Routine was unable to delete " & UBound(delRes) + 1 & " folders from TPrepared (from" & RestrictToNumber & ":" & vbCr & vbCr & delRes
            MsgBox "Routine was unable to delete " & UBound(delRes) + 1 & " folders from TPrepared (from" & UBound(res) & ":" & vbCr & vbCr & delRes
        End If
    Else    ' no returned unable-to-delete folders!
        If delRes(0) <> "" Then
            MsgBox "Routine was unable to delete " & UBound(delRes) + 1 & " folders from TPrepared (from" & UBound(res) & ":" & vbCr & vbCr & delRes
        Else     'no errors returned
            If Not IsMissing(RestrictToNumber) Then
                MsgBox "Successfully deleted " & RestrictToNumber & " old project folders!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Success!"
                MsgBox "Successfully deleted " & UBound(res) & " old project folders!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Success!"
            End If
        End If
    End If
Else    ' no errors returned
    MsgBox "Found NO folders on TPrepared older than " & OlderThanDate
End If

End Sub

'********************** Private part, internal functions, usually not for user usage ****************************

Private Function get_GSC_Folders(RootFolder As String) As Variant

Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

If Not fso.FolderExists(RootFolder) Then
    MsgBox "Provided root folder does not exist, Quitting..."
    get_GSC_Folders = Empty
    Exit Function
End If

Dim rFdr As Scripting.Folder

Set rFdr = fso.GetFolder(RootFolder)

If rFdr.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Found no subfolder to provided root folder (" & RootFolder & "), Quitting..."
    get_GSC_Folders = Empty
    Exit Function
End If

Dim tmpResults As Variant

ReDim tmpResults(0)

Dim n As Integer
Let n = 0

Dim k As Integer

Let k = -1  ' first found result will see this increase to 0

Dim tmpFdr As Scripting.Folder

For Each tmpFdr In rFdr.SubFolders
    If Is_GSC_Doc(tmpFdr.Name) Then
        Let k = k + 1
        If k > 100 Then Exit For
        ReDim Preserve tmpResults(k)
        tmpResults(k) = tmpFdr.Path
    Else    'Count and collect badly named folders
        Let n = n + 1
        If n = 1 Then
            Debug.Print "Found following badly named subfolders: "
            Debug.Print tmpFdr.Name
        End If
    End If
Next tmpFdr

Debug.Print "Captured " & k & " GSC project folders (&" & n & " badly named) - " & k + n & " in total"

get_GSC_Folders = tmpResults

Set fso = Nothing
Set rFdr = Nothing

End Function

Private Function get_TPrepared_ProjFolders_OT(OlderThanDate As String) As Variant
' Function returns an array of folder paths of whom both the date of creation and
' date of last modification is older than specified date in string format
' Expected string format: "01/11/2015")

Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

Dim baseFolder As Scripting.Folder

Set baseFolder = fso.GetFolder("T:\Prepared originals")

Dim tmpResult

Dim fdr As Scripting.Folder

Dim fdrDateCreated As Date
Dim fdrDateModified As Date

Dim k As Integer
Let k = -1

For Each fdr In baseFolder.SubFolders
    If Is_GSC_Doc(fdr.Name) Then
        fdrDateCreated = get_FdrDateCreated_Property(fdr.Path)
        fdrDateModified = get_FdrDateModified_Property(fdr.Path)
        If DateDiff("d", fdrDateCreated, CDate(OlderThanDate)) > 0 And _
            DateDiff("d", fdrDateModified, CDate(OlderThanDate)) > 0 Then
            Let k = k + 1   ' 0 on first hit
            ' DEBUGGING
            'If k > 100 Then Exit For
            If Not IsArray(tmpResult) Then
                ReDim tmpResult(k)
                ReDim Preserve tmpResult(k)
            End If
            tmpResult(k) = fdr.Path
        End If
    End If
Next fdr

get_TPrepared_ProjFolders_OT = tmpResult

End Function

Private Function get_FdrDateModified_Property(FolderPath As String, Optional ReturnString) As Variant

Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim f As Scripting.Folder

If Dir(FolderPath, vbDirectory) <> "" Then
    Set f = fso.GetFolder(FolderPath)
    If Not IsMissing(ReturnString) Then
        get_FdrDateModified_Property = CStr(Split(f.DateCreated, " ")(0))
        get_FdrDateModified_Property = CDate(Split(f.DateCreated, " ")(0))
    End If
    get_FdrDateModified_Property = ""
End If

End Function

Private Function get_FdrDateCreated_Property(FolderPath As String) As String

Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim f As Scripting.Folder

If Dir(FolderPath, vbDirectory) <> "" Then
    Set f = fso.GetFolder(FolderPath)
    get_FdrDateCreated_Property = Split(f.DateCreated, " ")(0)
    get_FdrDateCreated_Property = ""
End If

End Function

Private Function DeleteAllFolders(InputFoldersArray, Optional RestrictToNumber) As Variant
' Function could return list of folders it did not succeed in deleting or empty string for succes?

Dim fo As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

Dim fd As Scripting.Folder

Dim tmpRes() As String
ReDim tmpRes(0)

If IsArray(InputFoldersArray) Then

    For i = 0 To UBound(InputFoldersArray)
        If Not IsMissing(RestrictToNumber) Then
            If i >= RestrictToNumber Then Exit For
        End If
        If Dir(InputFoldersArray(i), vbDirectory) <> "" Then
            Set fd = fo.GetFolder(InputFoldersArray(i))
            On Error GoTo ErrDeletingF

            Debug.Print "Deleting " & fd.Path
            fd.Delete Force:=True
            Call GSCRo_Lib.PauseForSeconds(0.7) ' NECESSARY?
        End If
    Next i

End If

DeleteAllFolders = tmpRes

Exit Function


    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Debug.Print "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & " for del fdr: " & InputFoldersArray(i)
        If tmpRes(0) <> "" Then ReDim Preserve tmpRes(UBound(tmpRes) + 1)
        tmpRes(UBound(tmpRes)) = InputFoldersArray(i)
        'tmpRes = IIf(tmpRes = "", InputFoldersArray(i), tmpRes & vbCr & InputFoldersArray(i))
        GoTo SkipNextFolder
    End If

End Function

Function Is_GSC_Doc(FileName As String, Optional SilentMode) As Boolean
' version 0.6
' independent
' depends on VerificaCN
' 0.5 - Added XM, XN, XT
' 0.6 - Minding only first 2 groups of chars separated by dot.

Dim MsgS As String
Dim PointPos As Byte
Dim LinePos As Byte
Dim ff As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

' Is filename extensioned or not ? (".doc" extension)
If Right$(FileName, 5) = ".docx" Or Right$(FileName, 4) = ".doc" Then
    ' This way we ONLY look at
    If UBound(Split(FileName, ".")) = 2 Then
        BaseDocName = ff.GetBaseName(FileName)
        BaseDocName = Split(FileName, ".")(0) & "." & Split(FileName, ".")(1)
    End If
    BaseDocName = FileName
End If

PointPos = InStr(1, BaseDocName, ".")
Select Case PointPos
    Case 0
        MsgS = "Not Council document, or not properly named! Cherish the point!"

Ooops:  If IsMissing(SilentMode) Then
            StatusBar = MsgS
        End If
        Is_GSC_Doc = False
        Exit Function
    Case Is = 8
        LinePos = InStr(1, BaseDocName, "-", vbTextCompare)
            If LinePos <> 0 And LinePos <= PointPos Then MsgS = _
            "Not Council document, or not properly named! Where's your line at?": GoTo Ooops
    Case Is > 9
        If (PointPos - 9) Mod 4 <> 0 Then MsgS = _
        "Not Council document, or not properly named! Where's your point at?": GoTo Ooops
        LinePos = InStr(1, BaseDocName, "-", vbTextCompare)
        If LinePos <> 8 Then MsgS = _
        "Not Council document, or not properly named! Cherish your lines!": GoTo Ooops
    Case Else
        MsgS = "Not Council document, or not properly named! Where's your point at?": GoTo Ooops
End Select

Set ff = Nothing

DocType(0, 0) = "st": DocType(0, 7) = "cp"
DocType(0, 1) = "sn": DocType(0, 8) = "ad"
DocType(0, 2) = "cm": DocType(0, 9) = "ac"
DocType(0, 3) = "ds": DocType(0, 10) = "nc"
DocType(0, 4) = "lt": DocType(0, 11) = "np"
DocType(0, 5) = "bu": DocType(0, 12) = "da"
DocType(0, 6) = "pe": DocType(0, 13) = "rs"
DocType(0, 14) = "cg": DocType(0, 15) = "fa"
DocType(0, 16) = "xm": DocType(0, 17) = "xn"
DocType(0, 18) = "xt"

DocType(1, 0) = "1"
DocType(1, 1) = "2"

DocSuff(0, 0) = "re": DocSuff(0, 3) = "ex"
DocSuff(0, 1) = "co": DocSuff(0, 4) = "am"
DocSuff(0, 2) = "ad": DocSuff(0, 5) = "dc"

DocSuff(1, 0) = 8
DocSuff(1, 1) = PointPos - 8

ReDim DocYear(1, (Right$(DatePart("yyyy", Date), 2)) - 1) 'Ultimele doua cifre ale anului curent
j = -1

For i = Right$(DatePart("yyyy", Date), 2) To 1 Step -1
    j = j + 1
    DocYear(0, j) = Format(i, "00")
Next i

DocYear(1, 0) = PointPos + 3
DocYear(1, 1) = "2"

EUDocLang(0, 0) = "en": EUDocLang(0, 12) = "cs"
EUDocLang(0, 1) = "fr": EUDocLang(0, 13) = "et"
EUDocLang(0, 2) = "ro": EUDocLang(0, 14) = "lv"
EUDocLang(0, 3) = "de": EUDocLang(0, 15) = "lt"
EUDocLang(0, 4) = "nl": EUDocLang(0, 16) = "hu"
EUDocLang(0, 5) = "it": EUDocLang(0, 17) = "mt"
EUDocLang(0, 6) = "es": EUDocLang(0, 18) = "pl"
EUDocLang(0, 7) = "da": EUDocLang(0, 19) = "sk"
EUDocLang(0, 8) = "el": EUDocLang(0, 20) = "sl"
EUDocLang(0, 9) = "pt": EUDocLang(0, 21) = "bg"
EUDocLang(0, 10) = "fi": EUDocLang(0, 22) = "xx"
EUDocLang(0, 11) = "sv": EUDocLang(0, 23) = "hr"
EUDocLang(0, 24) = "ga"     ' Rarer gaelic - irish

EUDocLang(1, 0) = PointPos + 1
EUDocLang(1, 1) = 2

For i = 1 To 5
    If VerificaCN(i, BaseDocName) = False Then
        MsgS = "Not Council Document, Sorry!"
        GoTo Ooops
    End If
Next i

Is_GSC_Doc = True

End Function

Function VerificaCN(VerifN, VString As String) As Boolean   ' Verifica Council Name
' version 1.0
' independent
' Added "DCL" suffix to represent declasiffications

Dim CeVerificam
Dim EValid As Boolean, ENumeric As Boolean

Select Case VerifN
Case Is = 1
        CeVerificam = DocType()
VLoop:  For j = 0 To UBound(CeVerificam, 2)
            If StrComp(Mid$(BaseDocName, CeVerificam(1, 0), CeVerificam(1, 1)), _
            CeVerificam(0, j), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                VerificaCN = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j

Case Is = 2
    If IsNumeric(Mid$(BaseDocName, 3, 5)) = True Then VerificaCN = True
Case Is = 3
    If InStr(1, BaseDocName, "-", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        VerificaCN = True
    ElseIf InStr(1, BaseDocName, "-", vbTextCompare) = 8 Then
        For n = 1 To (DocSuff(1, 1) - 1) / 4
            EValid = False
            For j = 0 To UBound(DocSuff, 2)
                If StrComp(Mid$(BaseDocName, (8 + (4 * n - 3)), 2), DocSuff(0, j), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                    EValid = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next j
            If EValid = False Then Exit For
        Next n
        For n = 1 To (DocSuff(1, 1) - 1) / 4
        ENumeric = False
            If IsNumeric(Mid$(BaseDocName, (8 + (4 * n - 1)), 2)) = True Then ENumeric = True
            If ENumeric = False Then Exit For
        Next n
        If EValid = True And ENumeric = True Then VerificaCN = True
    End If
Case Is = 4
    CeVerificam = EUDocLang()
    GoTo VLoop
Case Is = 5
    CeVerificam = DocYear()
    GoTo VLoop
End Select

End Function