# Task from: https://py.checkio.org/en/mission/digits-doublets/
def count_diff(first, second):
Count how many digits are distinguished in the two numbers.
return len(str(first)) - sum(f == s for f, s in zip(str(first), str(second)))
def list_to_graph(numbers):
Convert a list of numbers in the dict graph representation,
where each key is a node and values are "neighbour" numbers.
res = {}
for node in numbers:
res[node] = []
for second_node in numbers:
if count_diff(node, second_node) == 1:
return res
def checkio(numbers):
I'm using "Breadth-first search" algorithm here.
graph = list_to_graph(numbers)
goal = numbers[-1]
# the queue contains positions and paths for they.
queue = [(numbers[0], (numbers[0],))]
# the visited numbers we store in the set, because it faster
closed = set()
while queue:
current, path = queue.pop(0)
if current in closed:
if current == goal:
return list(path)
for neigh in graph[current]:
if neigh in closed:
queue.append((neigh, path + (neigh,)))
return []
# ----------------------- Or --------------------
def checkio(numbers):
paths = [[numbers[0]]]
while True:
p = paths.pop(0)
# find node neighbors which are not in p (path)
for c in set(numbers)-set(p):
if sum(x!=y for x, y in zip(str(p[-1]), str(c))) == 1:
if c == numbers[-1]:
return p + [c]
paths.append(p + [c])