10/12/2016 - 9:05 PM

Miva - Hash Plain-Text Password to Match Encrypted Customer Password

Miva - Hash Plain-Text Password to Match Encrypted Customer Password

/* Split the password into component parts */
$encrypted		= "PBKDF1:sha1:1000:gE2lydzFBG8=:+vynLWCYzSCRpdRqjNO3ke67Brw=";
$fields			= explode( ":", $encrypted );
$iterations		= $fields[ 2 ];
$salt			= base64_decode( $fields[ 3 ] );
$encrypted		= base64_decode( $fields[ 4 ] );

/* This is the password we are verifying */
$password		= "wombat!";

/* This is PBKDF1 */
$password		= $password . $salt;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++ )
	$password	= sha1( $password, true );

/* Check the password */
if ( !strncmp( $password, $encrypted, strlen( $encrypted ) ) )
	print "Password matches\n";
	print( "Password does not match\n" );