class TwoPartComparator : public rocksdb::Comparator {
// Three-way comparison function:
// if a < b: negative result
// if a > b: positive result
// else: zero result
int Compare(const rocksdb::Slice& a, const rocksdb::Slice& b) const {
int a1, a2, b1, b2;
ParseKey(a, &a1, &a2);
ParseKey(b, &b1, &b2);
if (a1 < b1) return -1;
if (a1 > b1) return +1;
if (a2 < b2) return -1;
if (a2 > b2) return +1;
return 0;
void ParseKey(const rocksdb::Slice& a, int* a1, int* a2) const {
std::string parts = a.ToString();
int index = parts.find_first_of(":");
*a1 = atoi(parts.substr(0, index).c_str());
*a2 = atoi(parts.substr(index+1, parts.size()).c_str());
// Ignore the following methods for now:
const char* Name() const { return "TwoPartComparator"; }
void FindShortestSeparator(std::string*, const rocksdb::Slice&) const { }
void FindShortSuccessor(std::string*) const { }
int main() {
rocksdb::DB* db;
rocksdb::Options options;
options.create_if_missing = true;
TwoPartComparator cmp;
options.comparator = &cmp;
// open a database with custom comparator
rocksdb::Status status = rocksdb::DB::Open(options, "/tmp/testdb", &db);
// populate the database
rocksdb::Slice key1 = "1:3";
rocksdb::Slice key2 = "2:3";
rocksdb::Slice key3 = "2:1";
std::string val1 = "one";
std::string val2 = "two";
std::string val3 = "three";
db->Put(rocksdb::WriteOptions(), key1, val1);
db->Put(rocksdb::WriteOptions(), key2, val2);
db->Put(rocksdb::WriteOptions(), key3, val3);
//iterate the database
rocksdb::Iterator* it = db->NewIterator(rocksdb::ReadOptions());
for (it->SeekToFirst(); it->Valid(); it->Next()) {
cout << it->key().ToString() << ": " << it->value().ToString() << endl;
delete it;
// close the database
delete db;
return 0;