import math
from operator import add
def steer(start: tuple, goal: tuple, distance: float) -> tuple:
Return a point in the direction of the goal, that is distance away from start
:param start: start location
:param goal: goal location
:param distance: distance away from start
:return: point in the direction of the goal, distance away from start
ab = [] # difference between start and goal
for start_i, goal_i in zip(start, goal):
ab.append(goal_i - start_i)
ab = tuple(ab)
zero_vector = tuple([0] * len(ab))
ba_length = distance_between_points(zero_vector, ab) # get length of vector ab
unit_vector = [i / ba_length for i in ab] # normalize
scaled_vector = [i * distance for i in unit_vector] # scale vector to desired length
steered_point = list(map(add, start, scaled_vector)) # add scaled vector to starting location for final point
steered_point = tuple(steered_point)
return steered_point
def distance_between_points(a: tuple, b: tuple) -> float:
Return the Euclidean distance between two points
:param a: first point
:param b: second point
:return: Euclidean distance between a and b
distance = 0
for a_i, b_i in zip(a, b):
distance += (a_i - b_i) ** 2
distance = math.sqrt(distance)
return distance
print(steer((0, 0), (10, 10), 5))