Fixing Broken UTF-8
function fixBrokenUTF8($contents) {
static $replacement = chr(0xEF) . chr(0xBF) . chr(0xBD);
$expectingNewChar = true;
$expectedLength = 0;
$expectedIndex = 0;
$i = 0;
$out = "";
while ($i < strlen($contents)) {
$byte = ord($contents[$i]);
// Start of a new character?
if ($expectingNewChar) {
// 1-byte ASCII chars, append to output
if ($byte < 0x80) {
$out .= $contents[$i];
// First byte >= 0xF0 means a 4-byte char
elseif ($byte >= 0xF0) {
$expectingNewChar = false;
$expectedLength = 4;
$expectedIndex = 2;
// First byte >= 0xE0 means a 3-byte char
elseif ($byte >= 0xE0) {
$expectingNewChar = false;
$expectedLength = 3;
$expectedIndex = 2;
// First byte >= 0xC0 means a 2-byte char
elseif ($byte >= 0xC0) {
$expectingNewChar = false;
$expectedLength = 2;
$expectedIndex = 2;
// Not the start of a new char, but expecting
// one of the bytes in a multibyte char
else {
// Subsequent bytes in a multibyte char have
// to be between 0x80 and 0xC0. If it's not
// then something is corrupt, so add the replacement
// char to the output and look for a new char
if (! (($byte >= 0x80) && ($byte < 0xC0))) {
$out .= $replacement;
$expectingNewChar = true;
// This prevents $i++ at the end of the loop,
// since this "corrupt" byte could be the start
// of a new character
} else {
// A valid byte, but we haven't gotten as many
// bytes for this char yet as we need
if ($expectedIndex < $expectedLength) {
// Gotten all the bytes for the valid multibyte char,
// put them in the output and expect a new character
// next.
else {
$out .= substr($contents, $i - $expectedLength + 1,
$expectingNewChar = true;
// Advance to the next byte
return $out;