10/5/2015 - 12:32 AM

Create two shards with replica set of 3 nodes in Mongo (windows BAT file, but probably easly changeable to .sh)

Create two shards with replica set of 3 nodes in Mongo (windows BAT file, but probably easly changeable to .sh)


# shell script to create a simple mongodb sharded cluster locally.
# Requires a replica set to be already running, you can run
# start-mongo-replset.sh first to start a replica set.
set -e

red=$(tput setaf 1)
green=$(tput setaf 2)
default=$(tput sgr0)

function finish {
    pid=`cat ~/mongosvr/shard-config-0.pid`
    kill $pid
    wait $pid
trap finish EXIT

mkdir -p ~/mongosvr/config-0

# start up the mongodb config server for the shards 
mongod --configsvr --dbpath ~/mongosvr/config-0 --port 27019 \
    --config . --pidfilepath ~/mongosvr/shard-config-0.pid 2>&1 | sed "s/.*/$red&$default/" &

sleep 3

mongos --configdb localhost:27019 | sed "s/.*/$green&$default/" &

sleep 3

# add the first replica set instance as a shard, the others will be discovered automatically by mongos
mongo --eval "JSON.stringify(sh._adminCommand( { addShard : 'set/localhost:27091' } , true ))"

# enable sharding on the test database
mongo --eval "JSON.stringify(sh._adminCommand( { enableSharding : 'test' } ))"

# sleep forever

# shell script to create a simple mongodb replica set (tested on osx)
set -e

red=$(tput setaf 1)
green=$(tput setaf 2)
yellow=$(tput setaf 3)
default=$(tput sgr0)

function finish {
    pids=(`cat ~/mongosvr/rs-*.pid`)
    for pid in "${pids[@]}"
        kill $pid
        wait $pid
trap finish EXIT

mkdir -p ~/mongosvr/rs-0
mkdir -p ~/mongosvr/rs-1
mkdir -p ~/mongosvr/rs-2

mongod --shardsvr --dbpath ~/mongosvr/rs-0 --replSet set --rest --port 27091 \
    --config . --pidfilepath ~/mongosvr/rs-0.pid 2>&1 | sed "s/.*/$red&$default/" &

mongod --shardsvr --dbpath ~/mongosvr/rs-1 --replSet set --rest --port 27092 \
    --config . --pidfilepath ~/mongosvr/rs-1.pid 2>&1 | sed "s/.*/$green&$default/" &

mongod --shardsvr --dbpath ~/mongosvr/rs-2 --replSet set --rest --port 27093 \
    --config . --pidfilepath ~/mongosvr/rs-2.pid 2>&1 | sed "s/.*/$yellow&$default/" &

# wait a bit for the first server to come up
sleep 5

# call rs.initiate({...})
    _id: 'set',
    members: [
        {_id: 1, host: 'localhost:27091'},
        {_id: 2, host: 'localhost:27092'},
        {_id: 3, host: 'localhost:27093'}
mongo localhost:27091 --eval "JSON.stringify(db.adminCommand({'replSetInitiate' : $cfg}))"

# sleep forever
#Creates and initializes a MongoDb replica set: allows the user to choose the number of members and the starting port number; this should also work on a remote host, but I have only tested it so far on localhost

# Starts up a MongoDB replica set
# There is a lot of documentation about replica sets:
#    http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/replica-configuration/
#    http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/administration/replica-sets/
# To read data from a SECONDARY, when in the client, use:
#   > rs.slaveOk()
# Created by M. Massenzio, 2012-05-10

# Prints usage
function usage {
    echo "Usage: `basename $0` replicaSetName [num] [port] [host]
    Creates a replica set of 'num' MongoDB servers, running on consecutive ports
    starting at 'port' on the same 'host' ('localhost' by default).
    By default, it will start 3 servers, on ports {27011, 27012, 27013}.
    Due to bash limited ability to parse command-line args, each argument MUST
    be present, if any of the subsequent ones need to be specified.
    The replicaSetName is required and can be used when connecting to
    the set, using a URI of the form:

# Creates a replica set member's record for the configuration
# Arguments:
#   $1  id
#   $2  host
function create_record {
    echo "{ \"_id\": $1, \"host\": \"$2\"}"

# Initialize the replica set
# Arguments:
#   $1  primary mongod port (uses global: HOST)
#   $2  replica set configuration record
function initialize_repset {
    if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
        echo "No configuration record passed"
        exit 1
    local CFG_REC="$2"
    echo -e "rsconf = ${CFG_REC}\nrs.initiate(rsconf)" | \
        mongo --port $1 --host ${HOST} > /dev/null

# Waits for the state of all mongo servers to get past the STARTUP phases
# Arguments:
#   $1  a port for the mongo client to connect to (default: 27011)
#   $2  the host to connect to (default: localhost)
function wait_for_repset {
    local PORT=${1:-27011}
    local H=${2:-localhost}
    while true; do
        num=$(echo "rs.status()" | mongo --port $PORT --host $H | grep stateStr | grep -v STARTUP | wc -l)
        if [[ $(expr $num) == ${NUM_REPLICAS} ]]; then
        sleep 1

# Main body of script starts here
# TODO: factor out sub-sections in their own functions

if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
    exit 1

declare -r REPSET_NAME="$1"
declare -r NUM_REPLICAS=${2:-3}
declare -r STARTING_PORT=${3:-27011}
declare -r HOST=${4:-localhost}

echo "[INFO] Starting ${NUM_REPLICAS} MongoDB servers on ${HOST}, " \
  " using ports starting at ${STARTING_PORT};" \
  " the replica set will be named: ${REPSET_NAME}"
read -p "Do you want to continue (y/N)? " resp
if [[ $resp != 'y' ]]; then
    echo "Terminating."
    exit 1

if [[ -z ${MONGO_BASE} ]]; then
    echo "[WARN] Please define \$MONGO_BASE to point to where you want data/logs to be created"
    read -p "Would you like to continue using the default (${MONGO_BASE})? " resp
    if [[ $resp != 'y' ]]; then
        echo "Terminating."
        exit 1
echo "Using base directory for logs and data: ${MONGO_BASE}"
declare -r LOGS_DIR="${MONGO_BASE}/logs"
declare -r DATA_DIR="${MONGO_BASE}/data"

mkdir -p ${LOGS_DIR}
echo "Logs sent to ${LOGS_DIR}, data saved in ${DATA_DIR}"

if [[ ! -d ${LOGS_DIR} || ! -d ${DATA_DIR} ]]; then
    echo "[ERROR] Either logs or data directory could not be found/created; aborting."
    exit 1

for ((i=1; i <= ${NUM_REPLICAS}; i++))
    mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}/${REPSET_NAME}_${i}"
    mongod --rest --replSet "${REPSET_NAME}" --logpath $LOGPATH \
        --dbpath $DBPATH --port ${PORT} --fork --vvvvv \
        --smallfiles --oplogSize 128 > /dev/null
    echo "[INFO] MongoDB server started on port $PORT"
    MEMBERS="$MEMBERS $(create_record $i ${HOST}:${PORT})"
    if [[ $i < ${NUM_REPLICAS} ]]; then
CONFIG="{ _id: \"${REPSET_NAME}\", members: [${MEMBERS}]}"
echo "[INFO] Configuring replica set ${REPSET_NAME} and initializing"
initialize_repset ${STARTING_PORT} "${CONFIG}"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
    echo "[ERROR] could not initialize the replica set [${REPSET_NAME}]"
    exit 1
echo "[SUCCESS] Replica set ${REPSET_NAME} started and configured"
echo "[INFO] Waiting for replica set to sync and elect primary..."
wait_for_repset ${STARTING_PORT} ${HOST}
echo "[SUCCESS] To connect to PRIMARY execute: mongo --port ${STARTING_PORT} --host ${HOST}"
Replica set : 

P1 : ( Primary )
S1 : ( Sec 1 )
A2 : ( Arbiter )

1. start mongo with replica in all instance
  stop iptables
		service iptables stop for all instances

	check if process exist run with replica
		ps -ef | grep mongo
		mongod     964     1  0 05:06 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf
		stop the mongo
			service mongod stop

	restart with replica
		mkdir /srv/mongodb/rs0-0
		/usr/bin/mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-0 --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
			--smallfiles --oplogSize 128 ( for testing )
		waiting for a while

	into mongo shell - the primary one
		check replica set status
			> rs.status()
				if running with replSet, it should show info with need to initiate
		initiate set
			> cfg = {"_id" : "rs0","members" : [{"_id" : 0,"host" : "ec2-54-245-53-45.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:27017"}]}
		    > rs.initiate(cfg)
		    > rs.conf()
		    > db.isMaster()

2. add members
	in other node
		service iptables stop
		mkdir /srv/mongodb/rs0-1
		> /usr/bin/mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-1 --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
	in Primary
		> rs.add( "<node's public ip>:27017" )
		> rs.conf()

3. add arbiter
	in arbiter node
		service iptables stop
		mkdir /srv/mongodb/arb
		> mongod --port 30000 --dbpath /srv/mongodb/arb --replSet rs0 --smallfiles --oplogSize 128
	in Primary
		> rs.addArb("<node's public ip>:30000")
		> rs.conf()

REM  Andrew Erlichson - Original author
REM  Jai Hirsch       - Translated original .sh file to .bat   
REM  10gen
REM  script to start a sharded environment on localhost

echo "del data files for a clean start"

del /Q c:\data\config
del /Q c:\data\shard0
del /Q c:\data\shard1
del /Q c:\data\shard2
del /Q c:\data\config

PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

REM  start a replica set and tell it that it will be a shard0

mkdir c:\data\shard0\rs0
mkdir c:\data\shard0\rs1
mkdir c:\data\shard0\rs2
start mongod --replSet s0 --dbpath c:\data\shard0\rs0 --port 37017  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
start mongod --replSet s0 --dbpath c:\data\shard0\rs1 --port 37018  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
start mongod --replSet s0 --dbpath c:\data\shard0\rs2 --port 37019  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100

PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

REM  connect to one server and initiate the set
start mongo --port 37017 --eval "config = { _id: 's0', members:[{ _id : 0, host : 'localhost:37017' },{ _id : 1, host : 'localhost:37018' },{ _id : 2, host : 'localhost:37019' }]};rs.initiate(config)"

REM  start a replicate set and tell it that it will be a shard1
mkdir c:\data\shard1\rs0
mkdir c:\data\shard1\rs1
mkdir c:\data\shard1\rs2

start mongod --replSet s1 --dbpath c:\data\shard1\rs0 --port 47017  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
start mongod --replSet s1 --dbpath c:\data\shard1\rs1 --port 47018  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
start mongod --replSet s1 --dbpath c:\data\shard1\rs2 --port 47019  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100

PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

start mongo --port 47017 --eval "config = { _id: 's1', members:[{ _id : 0, host : 'localhost:47017' },{ _id : 1, host : 'localhost:47018' },{ _id : 2, host : 'localhost:47019' }]};rs.initiate(config);"

REM  start a replicate set and tell it that it will be a shard2
mkdir c:\data\shard2\rs0
mkdir c:\data\shard2\rs1
mkdir c:\data\shard2\rs2
start mongod --replSet s2 --dbpath c:\data\shard2\rs0 --port 57017  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
start mongod --replSet s2 --dbpath c:\data\shard2\rs1 --port 57018  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
start mongod --replSet s2 --dbpath c:\data\shard2\rs2 --port 57019  --shardsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100

PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

start mongo --port 57017 --eval "config = { _id: 's2', members:[{ _id : 0, host : 'localhost:57017' },{ _id : 1, host : 'localhost:57018' },{ _id : 2, host : 'localhost:57019' }]};rs.initiate(config)"

REM  now start 3 config servers

mkdir c:\data\config\config-a
mkdir c:\data\config\config-b
mkdir c:\data\config\config-c
start mongod --dbpath c:\data\config\config-a --port 57040 --configsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
start mongod --dbpath c:\data\config\config-b --port 57041 --configsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
start mongod --dbpath c:\data\config\config-c --port 57042 --configsvr --smallfiles --oplogSize 100

PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

ECHO  now start the mongos on a standard port

start mongos  --configdb localhost:57040,localhost:57041,localhost:57042 

echo "Wait 60 seconds for the replica sets to fully come online"
PING -n 1 -w 60000 >NUL

echo "Connnecting to mongos and enabling sharding"

REM  add shards and enable sharding on the test db
start  mongo  --eval "db.adminCommand( { addshard : 's0/'+'localhost:37017' } );db.adminCommand( { addshard : 's1/'+'localhost:47017' } );db.adminCommand( { addshard : 's2/'+'localhost:57017' } );db.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'});db.adminCommand({shardCollection: 'test.grades', key: {student_id:1}});"