10/19/2017 - 11:28 AM


// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create instance of annotator. 
AnnotationConfig cfg = CommonUtilities.GetConfiguration();

//Create annotation handler
AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);

IUserDataHandler userRepository = annotator.GetUserDataHandler();

IDocumentDataHandler documentRepository = annotator.GetDocumentDataHandler();
if (!Directory.Exists(cfg.StoragePath))

// Create a user that will be an owner.           
// Get user from the storage 
var owner = userRepository.GetUserByEmail("");

// If user doesn’t exist in the storage then create it. 
if (owner == null)
    userRepository.Add(new User { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Email = "" });
    owner = userRepository.GetUserByEmail("");

// Get document data object in the storage
var document = documentRepository.GetDocument("Document.pdf");

// If document already created or it hasn’t owner then delete document
if (document != null && document.OwnerId != owner.Id)
    document = null;

// Get document id if document already created or create new document
long documentId = document != null ? document.Id : annotator.CreateDocument("Document.pdf", DocumentType.Pdf, owner.Id);

// Create reviewer. 
var reviewerInfo = new ReviewerInfo
    PrimaryEmail = "", //user email, unique identifier
    FirstName = "Judy",
    LastName = "Doe",
    AccessRights = AnnotationReviewerRights.All

// Delete collaborator
var deleteCollaboratorResult = annotator.DeleteCollaborator(documentId, reviewerInfo.PrimaryEmail);