12/19/2016 - 8:18 AM

react app structure

react app structure

import React from 'react'
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'

// Actions
import {open, close} from 'actions' // Redux Actions

// Components
import Middle from 'components/middle/middle.jsx'

 * @params {Object} state
 * @params {Object} params => Optional, url params for example
const mapStateToProps = (state, {params}) => ({
  store: {
    middleDatas: state.middleDatas

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
  actions: bindActionCreators({open, close}, dispatch)

export default connect(
import React from 'react'

const Middle = ({ props, store, components, params, actions}) => {
  const {middleDatas} = store
  const {Leaf} = components
  const {someId} = params // Optional => url params 
  const {close} = actions
  const {someFunction, title} = props

  return (
    <div className="Middle">
      <button onClick={close}>Close</button>
      <button onClick={someFunction}>someFunction</button>

export default Middle


    |- viewName 
        |- viewName.js 
        |- viewName.test.js 
        |- viewName.jsx 
        |- viewName.css 
    |- root 
        |- root.js  
        |- root.test.js 
        |- root.jsx 
        |- root.css 
    |- middle 
        |- middle.js  
        |- middle.test.js 
        |- middle.jsx 
        |- middle.css 
    |- leaf 


Component link to router

  • Compose pages application with Components

*.js => container *.jsx => vue


'stand-alone' Component

*.js => container *.jsx => vue

import React from 'react'
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'

// Selectors
import {getSomeDataFromSomeId} from 'selectors/data'

// Actions
import {open, close} from 'actions' // Redux Actions

// Components
import ViewName from 'views/viewName/viewName.jsx'

 * @params {Object} state
 * @params {Object} params => Optional, url params for example
const mapStateToProps = (state, {params}) => ({
  store: {
    datas: getSomeDataFromSomeId(params.someId)

export default connect(
import Leaf from 'components/leaf/leaf'
import Middle from 'components/middle/middle'
import Root from 'components/root/root'

const ViewName = ({params, store}) => {
  const {someId} = params // Optional => url params 
  const {datas} = store
  const someFunction = () => {
    // do something...
  const LeafComponent = <Leaf props={{title: "LeafComponent title"}}/>
  const MiddleComponent = <Middle params={{params}} components={{Leaf}} props={{title: "Component title", someFunction}}/>
  const RootComponent = <Root components={{Root}} props={{title:"RootComponent title"}}/>
  return (
    <div className="ViewName">

export default ViewName