3/4/2016 - 1:12 AM

Git commands

Git commands

# reset changes to a file

# Abort a merge (conflict), as of version 1.6.1 
git reset --merge

# Assuming you did not commit the file, or add it to the index, then:
git checkout filename
# Assuming you added it to the index, but did not commit it, then:
git reset HEAD filename
git checkout filename

# Assuming you did commit it, then:
git checkout origin/master filename

# Assuming you want to blow away all commits from your branch (VERY DESTRUCTIVE):
git reset --hard origin/master

# reset local repo to point to remote state
# All local commits not common to the remote will be gone.
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master

# list authors of a project
git log --format='%aN' | sort -u
# ordered by commits
git shortlog -s -n | cut -c8-

# gives you the tracking info for the branches
git branch -vv

# Cleaning local stale branches
git remote prune origin
# fetch and automatically prunes all stale references
git fetch -p

# update remote
git remote set-url origin <URL>
# Show updated remote
git remote -v

# change a branch to be the master using strategy=ours

# Bundling a repo into a single file (for emailing around or backup)
git bundle create /tmp/repo.git_bundle --all

# show diff of stash indexed at 0 (latest stash)
git stash show -p stash@{0}

# Checking out submodules
git clone <repo url> --recursive 
# if you already cloned but forgot --recursive
git submodule update --init

# Reverting changes to submodules
git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard

# Check if a hash is present in checked out repo
git cat-file -t <hash>