1/14/2014 - 4:24 PM

Restarting SDL Tridion 2011/2013 services while developing an Event system. You can use this batchfile as a post build task in Visual Studio

Restarting SDL Tridion 2011/2013 services while developing an Event system. You can use this batchfile as a post build task in Visual Studio.

@echo off

@echo Stopping Tridion Services
REM stopping the services with 'net stop' instead of 'sc stop' (this is synchronous)
net stop TCMPublisher
net stop TcmSearchIndexer
net stop TcmServiceHost

@echo Stopping Tridion Com+ application
cscript "..\..\..\Stop ComPlus.vbs"

@echo Copying DLL to Tridion bin folder
copy /Y %1 "D:\Tridion\bin\Extensions"

@echo Starting Tridion Services
REM starting the services again with 'sc start' instead of 'net start' (this is asynchronous so faster)
sc start TCMPublisher 
sc start TcmSearchIndexer
REM sc start TcmServiceHost 'this is already started by the TcmSearchIndexer

@echo Done