5/25/2016 - 1:39 AM

RTF to HTML Conversion

RTF to HTML Conversion

''' <summary>  
 ''' An object that converts RTF to HTML  
 ''' </summary>  
 Public    Class   RTFtoHTML  

 #Region   "Private Members"  

     ' A RichTextBox control to use to help with parsing.  
     Private   _rtfSource   As    New   System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox  

 #End Region  

 #Region   "Read/Write Properties"  

     ''' <summary>  
     ''' Returns/Sets The RTF formatted text to parse  
     ''' </summary>  
     Public    Property   rtf()   As    String  
         Return   _rtfSource.Rtf  
    End   Get  
       Set   (   ByVal   value   As    String   )  
      _rtfSource.Rtf   =   value  
    End   Set  
  End   Property  

 #End Region  

 #Region   "ReadOnly Properties"  

     ''' <summary>  
     ''' Returns the HTML code for the provided RTF  
     ''' </summary>  
     Public    Readonly    Property   html()   As    String  
         Return   GetHtml()  
    End   Get  
  End   Property  

 #End Region  

 #Region   "Private Functions"  

     ''' <summary>  
     ''' Returns an HTML Formated Color string for the style from a system.drawing.color  
     ''' </summary>  
     ''' <param name="clr">The color you wish to convert</param>  
     Private    Function   HtmlColorFromColor(   ByRef   clr   As   System.Drawing.Color)   As    String  
       Dim   strReturn   As    String    =    ""  
       If   clr.IsNamedColor   Then  
      strReturn   =   clr.Name.ToLower  
      strReturn   =   clr.Name  
         If   strReturn.Length   >   6   Then  
        strReturn   =   strReturn.Substring(strReturn.Length   -   6, 6)  
         End If  
      strReturn   =    "#"   & strReturn  
       End If  
       Return   strReturn  
     End Function  

     ''' <summary>  
     ''' Provides the font style per given font  
     ''' </summary>  
     ''' <param name="fnt">The font you wish to convert</param>  
     Private    Function   HtmlFontStyleFromFont(   ByRef   fnt   As   System.Drawing.Font)   As    String  
       Dim   strReturn   As    String    =    ""  
       If   fnt.Italic   Then  
      strReturn &   =    "italic "  
      strReturn &   =    "normal "  
       End If  
    strReturn &   =    "normal "  
       If   fnt.Bold   Then  
      strReturn &   =    "bold "  
      strReturn &   =    "normal "  
       End If  
    strReturn &   =   fnt.SizeInPoints &   "pt/normal "  
    strReturn &   =   fnt.FontFamily.Name  
       Return   strReturn  
     End Function  

     ''' <summary>  
     ''' Parses the given rich text and returns the html.  
     ''' </summary>  
     Private    Function   GetHtml()   As    String  
       Dim   strReturn   As    String    =    "<div>"  
       Dim   clrForeColor   As   System.Drawing.Color   =   Color.Black  
       Dim   clrBackColor   As   System.Drawing.Color   =   Color.Black  
       Dim   fntCurrentFont   As   System.Drawing.Font   =   _rtfSource.Font  
       Dim   altCurrent   As   System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment   =   HorizontalAlignment.Left  
       Dim   intPos   As    Integer    =   0  
       For   intPos   =   0   To   _rtfSource.Text.Length   -   1  
      _rtfSource.   Select   (intPos, 1)  
         If   intPos   =   0   Then  
        strReturn &   =    "<span style=""color:"   & HtmlColorFromColor(_rtfSource.SelectionColor) &   """>"  
        clrForeColor   =   _rtfSource.SelectionColor  
           If   _rtfSource.SelectionColor   <>   clrForeColor   Then  
          strReturn &   =    "</span>"  
          strReturn &   =    "<span style=""color:"   & HtmlColorFromColor(_rtfSource.SelectionColor) &   """>"  
          clrForeColor   =   _rtfSource.SelectionColor  
           End If  
         End If  
         'Background color  
         If   intPos   =   0   Then  
        strReturn &   =    "<span style=""background-color:"   & HtmlColorFromColor(_rtfSource.SelectionBackColor) &   """>"  
        clrBackColor   =   _rtfSource.SelectionBackColor  
           If   _rtfSource.SelectionBackColor   <>   clrBackColor   Then  
          strReturn &   =    "</span>"  
          strReturn &   =    "<span style=""background-color:"   & HtmlColorFromColor(_rtfSource.SelectionBackColor) &   """>"  
          clrBackColor   =   _rtfSource.SelectionBackColor  
           End If  
         End If  
         If   intPos   =   0   Then  
        strReturn &   =    "<span style=""font:"   & HtmlFontStyleFromFont(_rtfSource.SelectionFont) &   """>"  
        fntCurrentFont   =   _rtfSource.SelectionFont  
           If   _rtfSource.SelectionFont.GetHashCode   <>   fntCurrentFont.GetHashCode   Then  
          strReturn &   =    "</span>"  
          strReturn &   =    "<span style=""font:"   & HtmlFontStyleFromFont(_rtfSource.SelectionFont) &   """>"  
          fntCurrentFont   =   _rtfSource.SelectionFont  
           End If  
         End If  
         If   intPos   =   0   Then  
        strReturn &   =    "<p style=""text-align:"   & _rtfSource.SelectionAlignment.ToString &   """>"  
        altCurrent   =   _rtfSource.SelectionAlignment  
           If   _rtfSource.SelectionAlignment   <>   altCurrent   Then  
          strReturn &   =    "</p>"  
          strReturn &   =    "<p style=""text-align:"   & _rtfSource.SelectionAlignment.ToString &   """>"  
          altCurrent   =   _rtfSource.SelectionAlignment  
           End If  
         End If  
      strReturn &   =   _rtfSource.Text.Substring(intPos, 1)  
       'close all the spans  
    strReturn &   =    "</span>"  
    strReturn &   =    "</span>"  
    strReturn &   =    "</span>"  
    strReturn &   =    "</p>"  
    strReturn &   =    "</div>"  
    strReturn   =   strReturn.Replace(Convert.ToChar(10),   "<br />"   )  
       Return   strReturn  
     End Function  

 #End Region  

 End Class