# Create example data set
data <- data.frame( id = 1:100,
Date1 = Sys.Date( ) + sample( -1000: 1000, 100) ,
Date2 = as.character( Sys.Date( ) + sample( -1000: 1000, 100) ) ,
Date3 = Sys.Date( ) + sample( -1000: 1000, 100)
# Function
DiffDates <-
function( data, DTNames = NULL, format = "%Y-%m-%d", DateForDifference = Sys.Date(), ... ){
# data with detes to compute the difference
# Names of dates colums if the colums has date format ignore this
# format of the dates if is DTnNames = NULL ignore this parameter
# Date for compute the difference
if( ! data ) ){
data <- data.table( data)
warning( "Warning: Be carrefull data frame or matrix transformed to data table")
print( class( data))
if( is.null( DTNames ) ){
DTNames <- names(data)[ sapply(X = data , FUN = class) == "Date" ]
}else{ # Otherwise transform to date some colums
# transform DT in to Date class. For more info about data.table lapply see:
data[ , (DTNames) :=
lapply(X = .SD,
FUN = function(x, format){
as.Date( x, format)
.SDcol = DTNames]
print( class( data))
data[ , (DTNames) :=
lapply(X = .SD,
FUN = function(x, format){
difftime( time1 = x, time2 = DateForDifference, ...) # Dots allows to call others parameters of this function in the main one
.SDcol = DTNames]
summary(data) # show the original data set
# Example 1
DiffDates(data = data, units = "days")
# Example 2
data$Date2 <- data$Date2 %>% as.Date(format = "%Y-%m-%d")
DiffDates(data = data, DTNames =c("Date1", "Date2" , "Date3"), units = "days")