12/8/2014 - 8:18 AM


# First define the tab cObject, we want this in the container
tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup.uebb_bootstrap_tabs_tab {

	# Add the ID and the Class to the tab container
	preCObject {
		containerId.cObject = COA
		containerId.cObject {
			wrap = id="|"
			10 = TEXT
			10.wrap = tab-content-|
			10.field = uid

		containerClasses.cObject = COA
		containerClasses.cObject {
			wrap = class="tab-pane |"

			# fade or empty
			10 = TEXT
			10.field = parentgrid_flexform_switch_effect
			10.noTrimWrap = | | |

			# We want the active flag on the first child
			20 = TEXT
			20.value = active in
			20.noTrimWrap = | | |
			20.if {
				 value = 1 = cObj:parentRecordNumber
				 equals.prioriCalc = 1

	outerWrap = <div {register: containerId} {register: containerClasses}>|</div>
	outerWrap.insertData = 1

	# Render the children the default way
	columns.0 {
		renderObj = < tt_content

# Define the Tab Container
tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup.uebb_bootstrap_tabs_container {
	# Render navigation using fluid
	cObject {
		file = fileadmin/templates/gridelements/bootstrap3_tabs/bootstrap3_tabs_template.html

	# Add the renderObj of the tab directly, this prevents the "csc-default"-wrap
	columns.0 {
		renderObj = < tt_content.gridelements_pi1
# Tabs Container
tx_gridelements.setup.uebb_bootstrap_tabs_container {
    title = Tabs Container
	description = Ein Element das mehrere Tabs enthält
	flexformDS = FILE:fileadmin/templates/gridelements/bootstrap3_tabs/bootstrap3_tabs_container.xml

	config {
		colCount = 1
		rowCount = 1

		rows {
			1 {
				columns {
					1 {
						name = Tab Container Element
						colPos = 0
						allowed = gridelements_pi1

# Tab Element
tx_gridelements.setup.uebb_bootstrap_tabs_tab {
  	title = Tab
	description = Ein Tab für einen Tab-Container

	config {
		colCount = 1
		rowCount = 1

		rows {
			1 {
				columns {
					1 {
						name = Tab Element
						colPos = 0
<ul class="nav {data.flexform_display_type}">
  	<f:for each="{data.tx_gridelements_view_children}" as="tab" iteration="tab_iteration">
		<li{f:if(condition:'{tab_iteration.isFirst}',then:' class="active"')}><a href="#tab-content-{tab.uid}" data-toggle="tab">{tab.header}</a></li>

<div class="tab-content">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
  <meta type="array">
			<ROOT type="array">
				<el type="array">
					<display_type type="array">
						<TCEforms type="array">
							<config type="array">
								<items type="array">
									<numIndex index="0" type="array"><numIndex index="0">Tabs</numIndex><numIndex index="1">nav-tabs</numIndex></numIndex>
									<numIndex index="1" type="array"><numIndex index="0">Pills</numIndex><numIndex index="1">nav-pills</numIndex></numIndex>
					<switch_effect type="array">
						<TCEforms type="array">
							<label>Switch effekt</label>
							<config type="array">
								<items type="array">
									<numIndex index="0" type="array"><numIndex index="0">Ohne</numIndex><numIndex index="1"></numIndex></numIndex>
									<numIndex index="1" type="array"><numIndex index="0">Einblenden</numIndex><numIndex index="1">fade</numIndex></numIndex>