1/18/2016 - 1:04 PM

Conditional loading of a plugin within a WordPress theme.

Conditional loading of a plugin within a WordPress theme.


// Run this code on 'after_theme_setup', when plugins have already been loaded.
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'my_load_plugin');

// This function loads the plugin.
function my_load_plugin() {

// Check to see if your plugin has already been loaded. This can be done in several
// ways - here are a few examples:
// Check for a class:
//	if (!class_exists('MyPluginClass')) {
// Check for a function:
//	if (!function_exists('my_plugin_function_name')) {
// Check for a constant:
//	if (!defined('MY_PLUGIN_CONSTANT')) {

	if (!class_exists('Social')) {

		// load Social if not already loaded
