# B-073 Tips for Selecting Columns in a DataFrame
# https://pbpython.com/selecting-columns.html
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv(
Build a mapping list so we can see the index of all the columns
col_mapping = [f"{c[0]}:{c[1]}" for c in enumerate(df.columns)]
'2:Unique Squirrel ID',
'6:Hectare Squirrel Number',
'8:Primary Fur Color',
'9:Highlight Fur Color',
'10:Combination of Primary and Highlight Color',
'11:Color notes',
'13:Above Ground Sighter Measurement',
'14:Specific Location',
'20:Other Activities',
'24:Tail flags',
'25:Tail twitches',
'28:Runs from',
'29:Other Interactions',
'31:Zip Codes',
'32:Community Districts',
'33:Borough Boundaries',
'34:City Council Districts',
'35:Police Precincts']
# We can also build a dictionary
col_mapping_dict = {c[0]:c[1] for c in enumerate(df.columns)}
{0: 'X',
1: 'Y',
2: 'Unique Squirrel ID',
3: 'Hectare',
4: 'Shift',
5: 'Date',
6: 'Hectare Squirrel Number',
7: 'Age',
8: 'Primary Fur Color',
9: 'Highlight Fur Color',
10: 'Combination of Primary and Highlight Color',
11: 'Color notes',
12: 'Location',
13: 'Above Ground Sighter Measurement',
14: 'Specific Location',
15: 'Running',
16: 'Chasing',
17: 'Climbing',
18: 'Eating',
19: 'Foraging',
20: 'Other Activities',
21: 'Kuks',
22: 'Quaas',
23: 'Moans',
24: 'Tail flags',
25: 'Tail twitches',
26: 'Approaches',
27: 'Indifferent',
28: 'Runs from',
29: 'Other Interactions',
30: 'Lat/Long',
31: 'Zip Codes',
32: 'Community Districts',
33: 'Borough Boundaries',
34: 'City Council Districts',
35: 'Police Precincts'}
Use iloc to select just the second column (Unique Squirrel ID)