Dev Site Link Update
// Make all links & forms to main site stay on the dev site
$(window).load(function() {
var https_to_http = false;
var live_domain = '';
var dev_domain = '';
var $this = $(this),
href = $this.attr('href');
if(href !== undefined){
href = href.replace(live_domain,dev_domain);
href = https_to_http ? href.replace('https://' + dev_domain,'http://' + dev_domain) : href;
$this.attr('href', href);
var $this = $(this),
action = $this.attr('action');
if(action !== undefined){
action = action.replace(live_domain, dev_domain);
action = https_to_http ? action.replace('https://' + dev_domain,'http://' + dev_domain) : action;
$this.attr('action', action);