5/25/2018 - 4:28 PM

Get records from specified Date ranges






$current_sub = Subscription::where('user_id', '=',21)->get() ;
// dd( $current_sub[0]->stripe_plan ) ; // month_5
$sub_date = $current_sub[0]->created_at->toDateString()  ;
echo 'Date of original Subscription: ' . $sub_date . '<br>' ;
$sub_date = explode('-', $sub_date) ; 

// dd( $sub_date ) ; // array( 0 => 2018 , 1 => 04, 2 => 10)

// dd( $current_sub[0]->created_at->toDateTimeString() ) ; //  2018-04-10 22:37:39

// get current date time
$dt = \Carbon\Carbon::now() ;
$current_date = $dt->toDateString()  ;
$parsed_current_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($dt)->toDateString() ;
echo  'Actual Current Date: ' . $parsed_current_date . '<br>' ;

$current_mod = explode('-', $current_date) ; 
// swap is the date modified to match month and day of original subscription

//$swap = $dt->year($current_mod[0])->month( $current_mod[1] )->day( 04  )->toDateString() ;

$swap = $dt->year($current_mod[0])->month( $current_mod[1] )->day( $sub_date[2] )->toDateString() ;

// pass this to earlier, swap gets modified after addMonth()
// $modifiedswap = $dt->year($current_mod[0])->month( $current_mod[1] )->day( $sub_date[2] )->toDateString() ;

echo 'Modded date: ' . $swap . '<br>'  ;

echo  'Current Date modified to match original sub date: ' . $swap . '<br>' ; 

if ( \Carbon\Carbon::parse($current_date)->gt($swap ) ) {
    $modified_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse( $swap )  ; 
    echo 'Modified Date: ' . $modified_date . '<br>' ;
    $end =  $modified_date->addMonth() ; // ADD ONE MONTH FROM THIS DATE
    $start = \Carbon\Carbon::parse( $swap ) ;
    echo "<p style='color:red;'>Current Actual date is greater than Modded Date, 
          Now add one month to Modded Date: " . $start->toDateString(). '</p>'  ;

else {
    $modified_date = \Carbon\Carbon::parse( $swap )  ; 
    $start = $modified_date->subMonth() ; // SUBSTRACT ONE MONTH
    $end = \Carbon\Carbon::parse( $swap ) ;
    echo  "<p style='color:green;'>Modded Date is greater than Current Actual Date,
           Substract one month from Modded Date: " . $end->toDateString()  . '</p>';
// dd( $swap ) ;

echo '<br>' ;

// get number of videos in this time range
//$earlier = \Carbon\Carbon::parse('2018-04-11');
//$earlier = \Carbon\Carbon::parse( $sub_date[0] . '-' . $sub_date[1] . '-' . $sub_date[2] );
//$earlier = \Carbon\Carbon::parse( $addonemonth );
//$later = \Carbon\Carbon::parse('2018-05-10');
//$later =  \Carbon\Carbon::parse( $swap );
echo 'Getting Videos from: ' . $start . ' To ' . $end->toDateString() ;
//$videos = Video::whereBetween('created_at', [$earlier, $later])->get();

// for the inverse
$videos = Video::whereBetween('created_at', [$start, $end])->get();

dd($videos) ; // Records
dd($videos->count() ) ; // count these records