9/28/2014 - 2:48 PM

So here's what I have for Firebase pros and cons so far:


  • Autoscaling built-in
  • Can start for free (only need to start paying once we hit 50 connections)
  • Robust APIs for Javascript (including several frameworks like Angular), iOS, and Android
  • Built-in support for authentication services like Facebook, Google, and Twitter
  • Declarative Security Rules model allows us to enforce read/write privileges and data validation throughout the tree


  • Need to build indexes manually
  • May need to build "event log" manually as well (in separate sub-tree?)
  • Implementation of REST API could be difficult on embedded platforms
  • Data validation rules do not support complex objects directly (you'd need to validate individual child nodes separately)

Other Concerns/Questions:

  • Vendor lock-in - if we need to get all our data into a different platform, how difficult? (just getting an export may not be good enough)
  • Cost-comparison to self-hosting in AWS