JavaScript Strings
var me = "I am Batman";
var len = me.length; // Length of the string
// Output : 11
me.indexOf('Bat'); // First occurance on text,
// Output : 5 -1 if not found
me.lastIndexOf("a"); // Last occurance of text
// Output : 9
me.slice(5,11); // Extract a section of the text
// Output : Batman
me.replace("Batman", "Robin"); // Find and replace
// Output : I am Robin specifed text
me.toUpperCase(); // Convert to upper case
// Output : I AM BATMAN
me.toLowerCase(); // Convert to lower case
// Output : i am batman
// Join two or more strings into one
me.concat(", I like ","apples");
// Output : I am Batman, I like apples
me.charAt(5); // Character at the index
// Output : B
me.charCodeAt(5); // Unicode of character
// Output : 66 at position'am'); // Search for string and
// Output : 2 return its position
me[3]; // unsafe, abc[2] = "C" doesn't work
me.split(','); // Splits into an array of strings by commas
// Output : ["I am Batman"]
me.split(''); // Split by character
// Output : [ "I", " ", "a", "m", " ", "B", "a", "t", … ]
me.substr(5); // extracts a substring depending
// Output : Batman on a specified number of characters
me.substring(5); // Similar, can’t accept negative indices
// Output : Batman
var value = 12345
value.toString(); // Convert the number to string
var letsBreakThis ="You can't \n break me";
// Output :"You can't
// break me"