12/14/2017 - 1:27 PM


# import any necessary modules

import socket

# define some variables

pos_x               = 3300
pos_y               = 0
replicator_table    = op( 'table_replicator_info' )
system_config       = mod( 'text_data' ).uri
displays            = mod( 'text_data' ).displays
local_ip            = socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname() )
default_ip          = op( 'text_default_ip' ).text
local_config        = {}
container_COMPs     = parent().findChildren( type = COMP , depth = 1 )

# clear contents of replicator_table

# delete existing container COMPs
for items in container_COMPs:
    if op( items ).name != 'container_presets':
        op( items ).destroy()

# Test for local_ip in system config
in_system_config = local_ip in system_config

# if our IP matches with a URI in the system config, then we
# fill our dictionary with keys based on the system config file
if in_system_config == True:
    local_config[ 'name' ]      = system_config[ local_ip ][ 'name' ]
    local_config[ 'role' ]      = system_config[ local_ip ][ 'role' ]
    local_config[ 'displays' ]  = system_config[ local_ip ][ 'displays' ]
    local_config[ 'uri' ]       = local_ip

# if our IP doesn't match our system config file, then we fill our
# dictionary with keys based on the default IP address, which is 
# entered in the text dat called 'text_default_ip'
    # assign ip address
    local_ip = default_ip
    local_config[ 'name' ]      = system_config[ local_ip ][ 'name' ]
    local_config[ 'role' ]      = system_config[ local_ip ][ 'role' ]
    local_config[ 'displays' ]  = system_config[ local_ip ][ 'displays' ]
    local_config[ 'uri' ]       = local_ip

# fill table with display information
for items in local_config[ 'displays' ]:
    replicator_table.appendRow( [ 
        items , 
        displays[ items ][ 'width' ] , 
        displays[ items ][ 'height' ] , 
        displays[ items ][ 'orientation' ] 
        ] )

# check and correct height / width based on orientation flag
for row in range( replicator_table.numRows ):
    # create a temporary variable to store the width and height of the display
    width_height = [ replicator_table[ row , 1 ].val , replicator_table[ row , 2 ].val ]

    # test for orientation flag
    # if true, swap height and width
    if replicator_table[ row , 3 ] ==  1:
        replicator_table[ row , 1 ] = width_height[ 1 ]
        replicator_table[ row , 2 ] = width_height[ 0 ]

    # if false, we pass and do nothing

# create container COMPs based on our replicator table
for row in range( replicator_table.numRows ):
    # create our new container COMP, give it a name from our replciator table
    new_op = parent().create( containerCOMP , replicator_table[ row , 0 ] )

    # set the x position of the new container
    new_op.nodeX = pos_x

    # set the y position of the new container
    new_op.nodeY = pos_y

    # set the width of the new node based on the replicator table
    new_op.par.w = replicator_table[ row , 1 ]

    # set the height of the new node based on the replicator table
    new_op.par.h = replicator_table[ row , 2 ]

    # turn on the viewer flag
    new_op.viewer = True

    # increment the y position for the next loop
    pos_y -= 200