A batch script to setup python file association and all the required junk for using python on the command line in windows. Useful if you have a few different python installs e.g python 2 & python 3 and maybe a python 2 install in Xampp or Ampps. Simply put the batch file in C:\windows or any folder on you $PATH environment variable and modify the PythonDIR line to point to the install path.
@echo off
REM "ftype /?" explains all of this assoc and ftype and PATHEXT usage
REM https://docs.python.org/2/using/windows.html for more info around the subject.
REM set PythonDIR to your python 2 or 3 install path; e.g. the folder with python.exe in it.
set PythonDIR=C:\Python27
set PATH=%PythonDIR%;%PythonDIR%\Scripts;%PATH%
set PYTHONPATH=%PythonDIR%\Lib;%PythonDIR%\Lib\site-packages;%PythonDIR%\DLLs;
assoc .py=Python.File>NUL
assoc .pyw=PythonW.File>NUL
ftype Python.File="%PythonDIR%\python.exe" %%1 %%*>NUL
ftype PythonW.File="%PythonDIR%\pythonw.exe" %%1 %%*>NUL