7/22/2012 - 12:19 AM

Using Font Awesome with Octopress

Using Font Awesome with Octopress

$fontAwesomePath: "fontawesome-webfont"
@import font-awesome
External link icon:

<i class="icon-external-link"></i>

Comment icon:

<i class="icon-comment"></i>
  1. Download Font Awesome (source)
  2. Take the file sass/font-awesome.sass and put it in your octopress sass folder
  3. Rename it to _font-awesome.sass
  4. Create a directory 'octpress/source/fonts' and put there the 4 font files (ttf, svg, eot and woff).
  5. In your stylesheet:
  • $fontAwesomePath: "fontawesome-webfont"
  • @import font-awesome

Done !