These steps assume your <remote_name> is origin (as most will be).
# create and checkout a branch (locally)
git checkout -b <branch_name>
# push branch to bitbucket / bamboo for builds
# should be done initially for locally created branches
git push -u origin <branch_name>
# to view / checkout branches
git fetch
git branch -a #shows all branches including remotes remotes
git checkout <branch_name>
# delete branch from remote
git push -d origin <branch>
# delete branch locally (only if fully merged)
git branch -d <branch_name>
# delete branch locally regardless if merged
git branch -D <branch_name>
# reset local branch to remote version
git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>
# view all branches and last commit date
git for-each-ref --sort='-committerdate:iso8601' --format=' %(committerdate:iso8601)%09%(refname)' refs/remotes
# delete all merged branches ( ref.
git push origin --delete $(git branch --merged origin/master -r | grep -v master | grep origin | cut -d/ -f2-)